Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
Also known as Sorcerous Stabber: Orphen |
2000 | Adventure: Role Playing |
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Also known as Spyro the Dragon 3 |
2000-2001 | Adventure Shoot 'Em Up |
PlayStation |
Omega Boost
1998 | Shoot 'Em Up |
PlayStation |
Kula World
Also known as Roll Away |
1997 | Puzzle |
PlayStation |
-1998 | Platform Shoot 'Em Up |
PlayStation |
Bushido Blade
-1998 | Beat 'Em Up |
PlayStation |
Coolboarders 3
Also known as Cool Boarders 3 |
-1998 | Sport: Snowboarding |
PlayStation |
Armored Core
-1998 | Shoot 'Em Up Strategy |
PlayStation |
Crash Bandicoot
Also known as [Crash Bandicoot] |
-1997 | PS3 Download PlayStation |
-1995 | Combat Game: Tank |
PlayStation |
Ape Escape
-1999 | Platform |
PlayStation |
Ape Escape 3
-2006 | Adventure Platform Puzzle |
Everybody's Golf
Also known as Hotshots Golf, Minna No Golf |
-2012 | Sport: Golf |
PSVita Cartridge PS2 DVD PSP Custom optical disc PlayStation |
Everybody's Golf 3
Also known as Hot Shots Golf 3 |
Sport: Golf |
PS2 CD |
Bust A Groove
-1998 | Simulation Practical: Music |
PlayStation |