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Also for: PS3, Xbox 360
Viewed: 3D First-person / Third-person Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Asobo Soft. Co.: Asobo
Publishers: Codemasters (GB)
Released: 3 Jul 2009 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 7+
No Accessories: No Accessories


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What do you get when you cross MotorStorm with a Mad Max-style post apocalyptic future? Why, you get Fuel!

That's the game, not the liquid. The liquid's not something that comes too easy at all. Petrol (or gas, depending on what side of the Atlantic you're on) is in very short supply. Petrolheads race each other across a landscape that's been devastated by accelerated climate change, competing for the good stuff that can keep their vehicle moving for just a few more hours.

It's that devastated landscape that's the real star of the show. The game's developer, Asobo, claims there is upwards of 5,000+ square miles of drivable terrain. Yes, that's drivable. If you can see it, you can drive it. Expect desert flats, jagged mountains protruding from the Earth like broken teeth, snowy summits, burnt out forests and more.

You should also expect (thanks again to that damaged climate) rapidly-changing dynamic weather, with dark electrical storms and blistering dust clouds ready to get up in your face at any moment.

Expect the usual off-road suspects such as bikes, buggies, quads, muscle cars, SUVs and trucks as you race in events ranging from straight A to B races in which you choose your own path to tightly monitored checkpoint races to chopper chases.

All this comes with a full complement of online features, which Codies boast will include hundreds of preset challenges!


FUEL - PC Artwork

FUEL - PC Artwork

FUEL - PC Artwork

FUEL - PC Artwork