In Trucks and Train Tycoon, the player assumes the role of an industrial tycoon. As a transport magnate, you invest, build and operate a worldwide transportation company. Profits are made by transporting goods and passengers. The main element is the realistic construction of roads and tracks into an optimised network for goods transportation and the successful scheduled operation of trains and trucks between industries connected in an economy network.
Theres a whole big 3D world to operate in, so lets get the ball rolling. What you need to build yourself is a useful network of tracks and roads. Its a living, breathing world waiting to be populated. The world will change during the course of the game, presenting you with challenges and opportunities when cities grow and new buildings and roads become available.
Theres more to Trucks and Train Tycoon than construction, however. TTT is an economy simulation too. You do start the game with an amount of money for building up your transport network, but once this money is spent, your future developments depend on whether you are doing something useful and profit-making to your world.