F1 Racing Championship - N64

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F1 Racing Championship (N64)
Also for: PC, PS2, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Dreamcast
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Racing: Car
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Video System Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB/US)
Released: 15 Dec 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: 3+
Accessories: Rumble Pack, Expansion Pak, Controller Pak


The racing genre in recent years has become one of the most saturated in the history of video games, although today it is considered that there are two types of game within the genre – the quick arcade game, and the simulator. Formula One games are typically of the latter variety, and as such come recommended for the hardcore fan or gamer. Ubi Soft’s delve into the genre isn’t a huge one, but with the release of F1 Racing Championship, their presence as a developer of F1 games is looming large.

Taking the information and statistics from the 1999 season, it is inevitable that this game will quickly become dated, but at the time of release, nothing bad could be said about it. All tracks and drivers are also featured. Those of you with little patience will quickly come across a quick arcade mode of play, allowing you to drop the simulator side of the game and get stuck into the fun. More hardcore players, skilled or otherwise, will opt for a simulator option, whereby you can give yourself the same challenges and difficulties as a real F1 driver. If you are to indulge in the highest level of realism in the game, it is advisable to take advantage of the game’s driving school and practice modes to get used to the handling and racing lines. Advanced AI controlled opponents will promise some awfully challenging and frustrating racing.

A reasonable F1 racing game this one, with some accurate handling and a vast array of customisable game options.