Auto Racing - Intellivision

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Auto Racing (Intellivision)
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Mattel Soft. Co.: Mattel
Publishers: Mattel (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1980 (US)
Unknown (GB/JP)


Grand Prix action awaits you at every turn. Choose from five different courses, five different cars. Then take the controls. Zoom down straight-aways, clip curves, make a fast break around hairpin turns. You're the driver. The race is on!

  • Take on an opponent in a race for points - or compete solo against the clock.

  • Five different courses vary in length and number of turns. Study the maps, then "take the wheel."

  • Five different race cars give you a choice of traction and rate of acceleration

  • "Time Trail" clock displays your lap times in a solo race.

  • Sound effects simulate a real race - tires squeal, motor accelerates. Crash!

  • Off the road are trees, houses, water obstacles…hit them and pay the consequences.