Rik Ede

Got info on Rik Ede?
Born: Nov 1967

Rik worked for Parlophone records (EMI) as a session musician and sound engineer, and performed the first audio demonstration of PlayStation at the first developer conference. He worked as an audio development manager for Sony (Psygnosis) for around 3 years before joining Dolby as a DVD-ROM and Dolby Digital evangelist. He also founded Gamesound Ltd.

Oh, and he’s a huge fan of Sega. Quite rightly so, too.

Software Highlights from Credited Titles

Rik Ede's first video game work that SPOnG is aware of is the 1993 title, "Wiz 'n' Liz" (Amiga) as Musician/Sound Effects Management.

Rik's most recent involvement was as Musician/Sound Effects Management on the 1994 release "Nigel Mansell's World Championship" (CD32).

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