Browse Games


65 titles found in the genre 'Adventure: Text', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Robin of Sherlock

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Silicon Dreams

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Station Fall

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Sub Sunk

-1985 Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Terror Molinos

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Colour of Magic, The

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Base, The

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Cursed Be The City

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Hobbit, The

-1982 Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Jack The Ripper

-1987 Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Lord of The Rings

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Magic Sword, The

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC
Hermitage, The

Adventure: Text
Amstrad CPC