The Times Crossword Challenge - DS/DSi

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The Times Crossword Challenge (DS/DSi)
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Sanuk Soft. Co.: Sanuk
Publishers: Atari (GB)
Sanuk (GB)
Released: 12 Jun 2009 (GB)
6 Feb 2009 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
No Accessories: No accessories


The cover art for The Times Crossword Challenge on Nintendo DS depicts a crossword-covered cube. At first glance, it looks a little like a Rubik's Cube, but in black and white. Now, we're not sure about you, but we had a bit of a problem with Rubik's Cubes when they were all the rage, i.e., when we wore gray jumpers and shorts to school. They were always one puzzle we could never figure out, and there were no in-game hints to fall back on either!

Luckily for those of us prone to suffering horrible flashbacks to playground-based humiliation at the bidding of a few coloured squares (!) no such torment awaits with The Times Crossword Challenge. Developer Sanuk's game engine has powered The Sun Crossword Challenge, but the difference in the respective newspapers is reflected in the head-scratchingly difficulty quotient. Suffice to say, The Times Crossword Challenge makes things a tad cryptic at times. Those looking for a challenge can tackle hundreds of crossword puzzles from one of the biggest names in newspapers like never before. No more awkward manouevering of the bulky old Times on the commute to work, or piercing the paper with your Parker pen. No sir. The DS touch screen and stylus combo replaces the pen-and-paper experience. In-game feedback and hints are available, and the game's difficulty is adjustable to suit your skills, or lack of same.