The Magic Roundabout - Wii

Also known as: Magic Roundabout

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The Magic Roundabout (Wii)
Also for: PC, DS/DSi
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Deep Silver Soft. Co.: Deep Silver
Publishers: Deep Silver (GB)
Released: 12 Dec 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+


The Magic Roundabout - the quirky TV show that has moved several generations to look up from their teas and ask, "What the flip was that all about?" has thankfully be turned into the kind of DS game that makes you go, "I can totally see what that was all about".

If you're unfamiliar with the Serge Danot masterwork, you can begin by watching clips from the cult show on the handheld. Once up to speed on characters such as Florence, Dougal the dog, Dylan the Rabbit, Ermintrude the cow and Zebedee the... springy chap, you are all set to play the 16 minigames that then enable you to unlock even more hidden levels. All of these will let you unravel a Magic Roundabout story as quirky as you'd hope.

As it's Friendship Day - well, so Zebedee tells Dougal - the hound is set the task of doing something helpful for all his friends (not something he'd do by nature). This sets you on your path for Roundabout fun in a magical way.

The Wii controller comes into its own as it enables you not only to shake out hidden treasures but also to indulge your passion for the grand gesture as you conduct an entire orchestra yourself!