Supreme Ruler 2020 - PC

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Supreme Ruler 2020 (PC)
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Battlegoat Soft. Co.: Battlegoat
Publishers: Paradox Interactive (NL/GB)
Released: 2008 (NL)
20 Jun 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 7+


Supreme Ruler 2020 features an economic and geo-political simulation of the real world unmatched in any other strategy game, and also features a tactical military model that allows players to plan and fight battles at the battalion level - zoom in to see an individual city or zoom out to see the entire world!

The 'no limits' design of Supreme Ruler 2020 allows players to battle it out for a small region of the world, or wage military campaigns against hundreds of regions across entire continents and oceans. Play one of the included missions or scenarios, or just play the world in Super Sandbox and watch the future unfold. Nearly unlimited options for customization and modding will also allow creation of new scenarios and 'what if' situations.