Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis - PC

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Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis (PC)
Also for: Wii
Viewed: 2.5D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Adventure: Point and Click
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: FusionSphere Systems Soft. Co.: FusionSphere Systems
Publishers: Deep Silver (US/GB)
Released: 2009 (US)
8 May 2009 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+


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Some people just have a knack for finding trouble. Take Nina Kalenkow, the sexy redhead at the centre of Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis. All she wants to do is make wisecracks and enjoy a quiet life, but some how she always ends up finding deep, dark mysteries. Or they end up finding her...

It's not been too long since Nina found herself entangled in the mystery behind the Tunguska event, back in the first Secret Files game. Now she's finding herself up against a ruthless secret society known as Puritas Cordis – one that's already somehow triggered volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. While her ex-boyfriend, the scientist Max, sees the organisation at work first-hand at the site of an ancient temple in Indonesia, Nina teams up with a vicar in France to find the connection between the society's prophecies and a leader from the group now hundreds of years dead.

The action unfolds in the classic adventure style, with players scouring environments for clues to process as they get ever closer to uncovering the truth. To help out, players are provided with a diary, puzzle help and hotspot highlighting. There are four playable characters for players to sink their teeth into. For added intrigue, there's also co-op play to be had!


Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis - PC Artwork

Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis - PC Artwork