Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition - Xbox 360

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Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition (Xbox 360)
Viewed: 3D First-person / Third-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Treyarch Soft. Co.: Treyarch
Publishers: Activision (GB)
Released: 23 Mar 2007 (GB)
Ratings: BBFC 15
Accessories: Headset, Hard Disk Drive
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled, System Link


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Call of Duty 3 takes gamers closer than ever to the fury of combat during the Normandy Breakout, the historic campaign that made the liberation of Paris possible and brought the Allies a step closer to Berlin. Players assume the roles of four Allied soldiers (American, British, Canadian and Polish) who must fight German forces on an authentic battlefield. With an unprecedented variety of combat, detailed character animations, high-definition graphics and violent on-screen action, number 3 is certainly the most immersive and realistic of the Call of Duty series.

There are numerous new features in Call of Duty 3, including an all-new close-quarters battle mechanic that allows players to disarm traps, fight hand-to-hand, detonate explosive devices and execute many other battlefield situations that require rapid reflexes to survive.

Up to 24 players can fight it out online with the option of single or split-screen Internet play. Gamers have the choice to play as infantry or commandeer multiple-occupancy vehicles such as jeeps, tanks and motorcycles with side-cars that lead to unique mobile combat roles for action-packed multiplayer action. The game also offers soldier classes, each with their own unique abilities and a ranking system for truly diversified squad combat.

The Gold Edition version of the game includes five free Xbox Live multiplayer maps, a 'Making of' feature, an 'Inside the Normandy Breakout' feature with interviews with veterans from the campaign, and Spike's Game Head: the Call of Duty 3 Challenge