SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault - PS2

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SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault (PS2)
Viewed: 3D First-person / Third-person Genre:
Strategy: Combat
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Zipper Interactive Soft. Co.: SCEA
Publishers: Sony (US)
Released: 2006 (US)
18 May 2007 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Accessories: Memory Card, Analogue Control Compatible: all buttons, USB Headset
Features: Vibration Function Compatible
Connectivity: Network Adaptor (Ethernet) compatible


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It's time to defend life, liberty and democracy as only American Special Forces can. Yup, it's SOCOM's swansong on the PS2 in the form of U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault. Huaaargh!

Sony's poster boy for online PS2 play is back for one last hurrah in the name of American foreign policy. Players can take on the enemies of freedom with an all new four player co-op mode with all the communication features, ladders and rankings you've come to expect from the SOCOM series. If you're feeling a bit meaner, you can always mix it up in 32 player competitive online mode with full community support, including a friends list, chat functionality, and expanded stats tracking.

Zipper Interactive has beefed things up a bit for this latest instalment in the series. Enemy AI has been improved to make the baddies more tactical, intelligent and deadly. Similarly, vehicle movement has been updated for more realistic (and dangerous) decision making.

Don't think its going to be as straightforward as ploughing in, guns blazing to save the day, however. Sure, that might work sometimes, but Combined Assault has been specially designed to encourage players to decide whether best to approach a mission stealthily or with rampant firepower.

Also, as an added incentive, Sony's throwing in its SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs multiplayer online game with all the maps, patches and updates included.