Maxwell's Demon and Memory Mania - Atari 400/800/XL/XE

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Maxwell's Demon and Memory Mania (Atari 400/800/XL/XE)
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Gentry (US)
Released: 1983 (US)


You control the Demon Gate of seperation and prove Maxwell's Second Law using the elements hydrogen and helium. Your screen displays these molecules at 1,OOO,OOOX, allowing you to watch them moving at different speeds.

Position the Demon Gate anywhere along the container's dividing wall, then open and close it to allow molecules of one element to pass through to the other side. Once you've done that, you may want to try switching them.

By the way, Maxwell said it could be done, but he never said it was easy ...

For people who like puzzles, Memory Mania is here to stay.

Choose a picture and watch it being scrambled before your very eyes. You can make it easier or harder to put together,depending on how many pieces you divide it into.

Remember how it was scrambled? Let's hope So, because you need to reassemble it. Move the segments around the screen until the picture is in its original state. The computer will count your moves, if you like.

To keep your sanity, you can view the original picture at any time. Or, save the partially solved puzzle for later-when your nerves are back intact!