Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon - PS2

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Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon (PS2)
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Beat 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Bandai Soft. Co.: Bandai
Publishers: Infogrames (GB)
Released: 29 Nov 2002 (GB)
Ratings: 3+, ESRB Rating Pending
Features: Vibration Function Compatible
Accessories: Memory Card, Dual Shock Joypad


It is the future. Welcome to a world where gigantic mobile suits and their human pilots wage a hi-tech winner-take-all war. Your fighting skills will be put to the ultimate test, as you challenge other pilots for the right to be called the best.

For years you fought against the Zeon, now you can fight as one. For the first time, assume the role of a Zeon and take control of an elite mobile suit team. Set in the One Year War, you and your team battle against the Earth Federation for independence and control of Earth territories. You control up to three attack teams per mission and devise superior strategies against Earth Federation troops. As the Federation, with their superior numbers, launches a massive counter strike on Zeon controlled territories, show Gundam, once and for all, that Zeon won't go down without a fight! Hail Zeon!


Project Leader/Producer