Infogrames acquisition of the Atari License is one of the best things to happen to retro gaming in a long time. It effectively means that they can update several of the classic games that we played on the Atari 2600. Combat is an excellent example of this. If you’ve never played the original incarnation of this classic game you’re in for a treat. Two tanks, one maze, one mission, destruction.
The aim of the game is simply that, you have to locate your opponent and destroy them before they have a chance to do the same to you. This basic premise creates some truly tense gaming moments. Especially when your tank is nearly destroyed and you both know that whoever gets the next clean shot in will emerge the victor.
There are obvious differences between Atari and PC technology, and the latter allows for much more complex game environments to battle in. Players can opt for either top down 2D perspective or the new 3D view. The visual quality is superficial to the tried and trusted gameplay, but when a game is enjoyable to play to begin with, nice looking graphics are always appreciated.
There are three different types of tanks available that have different characteristics that will allow for more strategic gameplay. Choosing a more mobile tank with lesser weapons will give you an edge mobility wise but naturally you’ll have to get more shots in.
With dozens of new worlds, levels and missions to take on there is actually a substantial amount of depth in this title. Combat is cool, ideal for those that joined the revolution recently.