Xplorys, the company responsible for the parody games Who Wants To Beat Up A Millionaire and Amateur League Golf, show no sign of slowing down their current rash of novel and innovative games with the release of Bass Avenger. Animal rights activists and the like can now seek virtual revenge on fishermen as the roles are reversed. Players of Bass Avenger will almost immediately discover that there is a complete lack of a fisherman. Why? Well, thats because theyre all in the water waiting for the fish to fish them out.
Your mission within Bass Avenger as a fish is to reel in as many fishermen as possible. But in a similar fashion to the traditional rules of fishing, your catch can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Obviously, the rewards are greater for larger catches, so you should target your prey carefully. If you accidentally manage to catch a scrawny guy you can always toss them back into the lake and save them for chum at the end of the day. Of course, the key to becoming a great fisherfish lies in the lure. You must learn to manage your human lures carefully and be resourceful if you are to get the most out of Bass Avenger.
Aside from the hilarious game play, Bass Avengers novelty factor is likely to entice even non-herbivore players into a game of get your own back.