Scandal - PS2

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Scandal (PS2)
Viewed: Not known Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Sugar and Rockets Soft. Co.: Sugar and Rockets
Released: 29 Jun 2000 (JP)


Ever since seeing the Anime film Akira we have always thought it would be a cool idea to actually be in control of a film like this. Introducing Scandal on the PlayStation 2, Sony’s first attempt at an interactive Anime film. This is a film where you make the decisions and if you choose correctly the film will continue. Remember the classic the classic arcade laserdisc Dragon’s Lair, well Scandal is similar apart from the multiple endings.

The style of animation in Scandal is Japanese, typical of the anime style. Because this a DVD based game the resolution is twice as good as normal VHS tapes and the audio is also digital. Anime has never looked so good. Like most modern Anime, Scandal is rendered on computers as opposed to the traditional cell painting technique. You can tell certain parts of the film use cell shading, especially for big zoom sequences, most impressive.

Although the idea of this title is cool, it is also unplayable unless you read and understand the Japanese language. At certain points of the game you have a limited amount of time to make a decision, so unless you can guess correctly, the game will end. It will be possible to finish the game by luck, but don’t bet on it. You can fortunately skip scenes, so making it back to the pint where you were at is relatively painless.

Overall, If Scandal ever receives a language translation it will be a very interesting game to buy. This should be possible due to the multiple language selection feature of DVD players. With over 50 possible endings and in game interaction there is more incentive to replay / re-watch Scandal several times.