The Alien franchise is arguably one of the greatest things to hit cinemas since the Ridley Scott original of 1979. As the success of the series continues its involvement with the video games industry, Aliens has finally made its first appearance on Game Boy Color, courtesy of THQ and Crawfish Interactive.
When a group of marines are making their journey to Earth after an extensive training mission, they come across a distress signal from the giant freighter ship, Thanatos. After failing to establish either visual or audio contact they decide to board the ship, not knowing what lies ahead.
Soon after, you take control of any one of the marines that consist of a variety of members similar to those in Aliens, including Corporal Brooke and Cadet Jorell. At this point you will quickly uncover a nightmare crawling with merciless Xenomorph predators. All classic Alien types are present including Chest-bursters and Face-huggers. Whats striking about Aliens is the intense challenge it offers. It is challenging from the very beginning, both in puzzle and combat terms. Ridding aliens, particularly Face-huggers, can be extremely frustrating due to their speed and random movements. Once you adapt to this learning curve you will soon learn to tackle anything Thanatos Encounter throws at you. There are also plenty of weapons and health collectibles to help you along your mission through the games twelve sprawling levels.
Crawfish have great experience with the ageing platform and their achievements are reflected well in Thanatos Encounter. This is a gruelling challenge that is not for the faint hearted you have been warned.