Gameboy Gallery - Game Boy

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Gameboy Gallery (Game Boy)
Viewed: 2D Combination Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Nintendo Soft. Co.: Nintendo
Publishers: Nintendo (GB)
Released: Dec 1994 (GB)
Ratings: 3+


Gameboy Gallery is a collection of five classic games rolled into one great cartridge. The game and watch series was fantastically popular due to the addictive and innovative gameplay of the time. Combined with the portability factor of these handhelds, all of a sudden long journeys became fun. Gameboy Gallery includes Ball, Vermin, Flagman, Manhole and finally Cement Factory.

In ‘Ball’ you assume the role of a juggler. There are three balls that need to be continually kept in the air at all times. By positioning the arms of your juggler correctly you can try to see how high a score you can achieve. Vermin is a similar type of game, you need to position yourself in order to whack the moles before they reach the carrots. Flagman is a game of memory. You need to remember the specific order of flags that are presented to you. After each successful go one more move is added. This game gets hard but is really fun. In Manhole you must ensure that innocent pedestrians do not fall into the holes by placing a manhole in the correct place. In Cement factory you must balance the distribution of cement into the waiting trucks. The elevators in the middle of the screen make side to side progress difficult but compelling.

All of these games start off relatively easy but as you become better, they become harder. Only with practice will you be able to beat your scores. Good luck.