Tarzan - PlayStation

Also known as: Disney's Tarzan', 'Tarzan Action Game

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Also for: PC, GBA, Game Boy Color, N64
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Eurocom Soft. Co.: Sony
Publishers: Sony (GB/GB/US/JP)
Released: Oct 1999 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)
Ratings: 3+
Features: Vibration Compatible
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card


After mastering the animated film industry with classics such as The Jungle Book and The Lion King, Disney is looking to penetrate the video games industry. Courtesy of developers Eurocom, it seems Disney is pushing existing machines and is soaking up the profits from a younger gaming audience, and not without reason, with Tarzan.

Based loosely on its big screen brother, Tarzan has been atmospherically developed, incorporating a number of songs and video clips from the film. The game itself is purely a platforming adventure of the linear variety. Here, gameplay entails Tarzan (you) moving either left or right across a 3D environment with no freedom to move in or out of the screen, similar to Pandemonium. Tarzan has basic manoeuvres and methods of attacking, such as running, jumping and throwing items. But because of the jungle type environment you will be able to swing across vines and eat bananas. As a platform game, Tarzan typically features end-of-level bosses that include real movie villains, such as the evil leopard, Sabor. While you begin the first areas of the game as a child, like the film, he will grow into an adult as you progress through the game. This makes your character much stronger, but as a consequence, so does the game’s challenge.

While Tarzan will not appeal in the slightest to most game-playing adults, its suits its target audience of five to twelve year old children perfectly. They’ll love it.