Manic Miner - Spectrum 48K

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Manic Miner (Spectrum 48K)
Also for: GBA, Amiga, Oric, C64, Amstrad CPC
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Static screen Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Bug-Byte Software
Publishers: Software Projects (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1983 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)


How much fun can you have with only 3 keys? Left, Right and Jump! - Fantastic. OK so we are writing this retrospectively, it doesn’t stop Manic Miner from being one of our all time favourite games.

Miner Willy – (was that a pun?) – has to avoid such obstacles as toilets, over weight be-spectacled gentlemen, ducks, seals, and some freakish wind up characters that I am at a loss to describe. Navigate around the single screen environment to collect the flashing keys that will allow you to advance to the next level.

The graphics were good for the time and the gameplay is as much appreciated by this new generation of game players as the first time around.