Crime Buster - Atari 400/800/XL/XE

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Crime Buster (Atari 400/800/XL/XE)
Also for: Spectrum 48K, Sinclair Spectrum 128K, Amstrad CPC
Viewed: 2D Combination Genre:
Adventure: Graphic
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Atari (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1988 (US)
Unknown (GB/JP)


The city has become overrun by an ever increasing gang of mobsters and the Commissioner has had enough. As one of the Force's top detectives, you have been sent to stake out gang hideouts and bust their criminal inhabitants.

But it won't be easy. Word has leaked out that you're on a cleanup mission and the Mob is planning to rub you out!

No matter where you go they'll be after you. On the street they may appear from behind garbage cans or cars. At the warehouse, a secret stronghold, they may be hiding in boxes or crates. At the pier, beware of that suspicious looking boat moored at the dock.

They'll fill you full of holes unless you can get to them first. Take careful aim with your Atari Light Gun and score big points with the bigwigs back at the Department for every mobster you blast out of business. But don't be penalised by accidentally shooting innocent bystanders in the process!

Help rid our fair city of these hoodlums once and for all with Crime Buster - the most exciting video crime adventure yet!