Blockade Runner - Colecovision

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Blockade Runner (Colecovision)
Also for: C64, Atari 2600/VCS, Intellivision
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Interphase (GB/CA/US/JP)
Released: 1984 (GB/CA/US)
Unknown (JP)


Blockade Runner - Colecovision Screen


In Blockade Runner you try and get as far into space as you can using as little fuel as possible. Sounds pretty easy... until we tell you about the rest, that is! You are the pilot of a space ship called IT1 105 with four lives. Every time you crash or get shot down your ship goes up a number to IT 106 and so on. You can go four directions: forwards, backwards, left and right. But every time you change direction you waste fuel. You’ll need to change direction a lot of times since there are an infinite number of enemy ships trying to shoot you down. And now the final bit... every so often you will come to a huge orange wall called a blockade you have to try and blast through this with your lasers or plummet into it and burn.