They’re completely crazy and off the rails. They’re Animaniacs. Join Wakko, Dot and Yakko as they try to put an end to Pinky and the Brain’s quest for global domination. These two scoundrels (both mice) have managed to steal the hottest script in Hollywood, which, after it has made billions of dollars, will enable them to take over the world.
It’s now your job to guide the Animaniacs in finding the missing scenes of the script as you make your way through seven Warner Brothers movie stages. You control either Wakko, Dot or Yakko as the other two follow closely behind, even climbing on top of you if the situation calls for it. If one gets caught, you must rescue him (or her) and if all three get captured, the game is over.
Along the way, there are several cameos made by other characters from the popular animated series. These include Dr. Scratchansniff, the Goodfeathers and Ralph the security guard.