
Got info on Songbird?
Full name: Songbird Productions
Established: 1999

Songbird Productions was founded in 1999 by well-known Atari fan and hobby developer Carl Forhan to develop and publish games for all Atari consoles, from the 2600 to the Jaguar.

Carl does develop directly for the Lynx and Jaguar and a primary emphasis of Songbird Productions is to finish up those games and get them out the door and into consumers' hands.

However, equally important is the opportunity to work with other hobby developers, who may have the skill to develop a beta-quality game but need some help in certain areas (audio, graphics, playtest, etc.) or even a release-quality game, but don't have the contacts or funds necessary to get a game published for an Atari system. Songbird Productions has the skills and contacts necessary to release games for virtually any Atari console.

If you are developing a product for an Atari game console and are pursuing a publisher, need some assistance rounding out your game, or just want to purchase some parts to produce your own cartridges, be sure to contact Songbird Productions right away with your questions and proposals.

Software Highlights from Credited Titles

Songbird's first work that SPOnG is aware of is the 1998 title, "SFX: The Ultimate Audio Tool" (Lynx).

The company has been involved titles released on the Jaguar and Lynx.

The company's most recent involvement was on the 2000 release "Remnant: Planar Wars 3D" (Lynx).

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