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 PS2 documents SNK history - Last Blade, King Of Fighters and Garou bounce back online4Joji0Sat, Sep 25, 04 @ 01:18
By Joji
 Midway's Fear and Respect redefines innovation1Joji0Fri, Sep 24, 04 @ 18:56
By Joji
 Wario Ware Inc. 2 - First ever screens!4Kaxxx0Fri, Sep 24, 04 @ 15:02
 Capcom's mystery title is... Demento!2Kaxxx0Fri, Sep 24, 04 @ 11:04
By Joji
 DS Games Save Themselves: Save RAM Built-in To Carts12mrnull0Fri, Sep 24, 04 @ 07:15
 Capcom confirms it will work across all 3 next-gen platforms6ryohazuki-san0Fri, Sep 24, 04 @ 07:05
 SNK makes good noises: KOF '94 online, Maximum Impact 2 and 3D Metal Slug confirmed2Joji0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 22:00
 Metal Gear Solid 3 - Japanese release date confirmed2ryohazuki-san0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 14:13
By Joji
 Nintendo DS teleconference reveals confident outlook in North America2Joji0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 13:01
 New MMORPGFPS to utilise Valve's Half-Life 2 engine 1Joji0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 10:04
By Joji
 Take 2 to drive Juiced from Acclaim's crumbling game garage?1Joji0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 09:45
By Joji
 GT4 screens – Polyphony masterwork shows depth to beauty4Joji0Thu, Sep 23, 04 @ 01:06
 News comedown equals story about Doom movie actress2Funky0Wed, Sep 22, 04 @ 20:57
 Mizuguchi’s REZ Tetris crossbreed revealed3ohms0Wed, Sep 22, 04 @ 18:16
 Sega rating up on new coin-op megaplant4Joji0Wed, Sep 22, 04 @ 14:42