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 Turn white with PSP Bleach screens1Joji0Fri, Dec 10, 04 @ 15:56
By Joji
 Nintendo bullish over shipments despite operating in false market5Autobot0Fri, Dec 10, 04 @ 10:29
 Shock as SCE announced NVIDIA partnership6LUPOS0Thu, Dec 9, 04 @ 09:40
 Reasons to Love China: PSP Cell Phones!1LUPOS0Wed, Dec 8, 04 @ 17:02
 Xbox 2/PlayStation 3/Nintendo Revolution-a-like NFS and Madden shown11Coxy0Wed, Dec 8, 04 @ 16:44
 Exclusive: EA responds to spouse outcry in leaked company-wide memo12Button Monkey0Wed, Dec 8, 04 @ 02:32
 Xbox 2 and PlayStation 3 monster dev house formed3Dreadknux0Tue, Dec 7, 04 @ 19:31
 See Kong beating off in space!5ryohazuki-san0Tue, Dec 7, 04 @ 18:45
 Insiders Point to Worsening PSP Stock Fears2cawley0Tue, Dec 7, 04 @ 14:15
 Donkey Konga 3! Screens and everything!9Brown Force0Tue, Dec 7, 04 @ 13:40
 Revealed: Key XBox 2 Briefing Slated1acidviper0Mon, Dec 6, 04 @ 22:53
 Japanese retails sees queues form to place PSP pre-orders – Photos included8SillySprout0Mon, Dec 6, 04 @ 16:58
 Katamari Damacy – Europe stunned by sequel promise8Funky0Sun, Dec 5, 04 @ 20:01
 Images expose Internet DS launch lies8Shoryuken!0Sat, Dec 4, 04 @ 14:39
 Minish Cap: European hint blackout explained6ryohazuki-san0Sat, Dec 4, 04 @ 12:58
By Joji