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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Eidos and NewsCorp slam false buyout reports7Ditto1654Mon, Feb 28, 05 @ 13:09
 Sakaguchi-san’s Xbox 2 RPG Confirmed6Joji1335Sat, Feb 26, 05 @ 23:54
 3,800 Post-It Notes, 12 People and 90 Minutes – A Tale of Mario Obsession3davemcbridesfoot1018Sat, Feb 26, 05 @ 23:52
 Half-Life 2 Goes WWII – Day of Defeat: Source Images2Pandaman1126Sat, Feb 26, 05 @ 13:38
 SOCOM 3 to be PlayStation 2 online swansong – First screens inside!1gamereview1101Sat, Feb 26, 05 @ 04:32
 Stop Everything: Dirty Harry Movie Announced5Funky1186Fri, Feb 25, 05 @ 13:50
 Nintendo Offers Release Schedule Hope For Europe6Deeptone1532Fri, Feb 25, 05 @ 11:11
 Xbox 2 Announcement Looms – Sakaguchi-san in the Mix9LUPOS2020Fri, Feb 25, 05 @ 05:29
 Mario Soccer Offered for Debate10Joji2048Thu, Feb 24, 05 @ 23:37
 Death of a legend: PSX production halts5Pandaman1169Thu, Feb 24, 05 @ 15:22
By Joji
 Play-Yan Recalled - Nintendo Engineer 'so fired'4DoctorDee1160Thu, Feb 24, 05 @ 13:42
 Trip Hawkins Fires up His Magic Eight Ball5schnide1169Thu, Feb 24, 05 @ 13:30
 UK Charts: Who Lives in a Pineapple at Number Three?7Joji1387Wed, Feb 23, 05 @ 09:46
 Nintendo to Offer Gaming Via Play-Yan1Pandaman1002Tue, Feb 22, 05 @ 23:05
 Sonic Questionnaire Blows Lid on Sega’s Thinking10Nintendo King1544Tue, Feb 22, 05 @ 17:22