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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Nintendo Suffers Profit Plunge7Ditto2078Fri, Jul 29, 05 @ 16:41
 Miyamoto: "Revolution controller easy to copy"Jump to page 1222Funky6936Fri, Jul 29, 05 @ 10:34
 PlayStation 3xpensive Playable at TGSJump to page 1221Greg2k6456Fri, Jul 29, 05 @ 04:22
By way
 Where Do Babies Come From?2dmgice911Thu, Jul 28, 05 @ 21:39
By Joji
 Everybody’s Tennis Revealed3Joji948Thu, Jul 28, 05 @ 18:29
 PSP MAME Dreams Shattered as SCE Aggressively Moves Against Hackers7kid_771858Thu, Jul 28, 05 @ 12:51
By Joji
 Electronic Arts Slams Sims 2 Paedophile Claims1Joji1241Thu, Jul 28, 05 @ 12:29
By Joji
 Bondage, Rape and Murder – Must be a New Videogame3TigerUppercut1128Wed, Jul 27, 05 @ 20:47
 PGR360: Fresh Essential Stats and Images From Tokyo Conference6DoctorDee1600Wed, Jul 27, 05 @ 13:17
 Congress Backs Spanking Millions in Rockstar Witchhunt10Greg2k1615Wed, Jul 27, 05 @ 12:56
 Game Boy Micro Dated – Launch Games Announced10Greg2k1743Wed, Jul 27, 05 @ 04:50
 Miyamoto on Revolution controller and games11Ditto2222Tue, Jul 26, 05 @ 16:38
 Racist Group Launches Game Aimed at Killing Blacks, Latinos and JewsJump to page 12331Nosce7995Tue, Jul 26, 05 @ 16:01
 Microsoft Pledges to Deliver Xbox 360 in Europe and Japan in 20052Joji815Tue, Jul 26, 05 @ 09:21
 Resident Evil 5: Direct Feed 1280x Resolution Screens!5Ditto1418Tue, Jul 26, 05 @ 09:14