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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Honest Sony Exec Admits PS3 is "In Third"2Joe Mac 5367748Tue, Jun 12, 12 @ 13:22
 Neil Stephenson Wants to Do a Video Game2gingineer739Tue, Jun 12, 12 @ 13:12
 Carmageddon Reboot is a Go!1Ayzhan679Tue, Jun 12, 12 @ 19:59
By Ayzhan
 Microsoft's Bach Wrong on Halo Wars Date1Krizza682Fri, Jun 15, 12 @ 03:42
By Krizza
 Microsoft: Xbox 360 Has 'Legs for a Long Time'1editor663Mon, Jun 11, 12 @ 03:45
 The Sun Blames 1996 Video Game for Influencing Canadian Murderer 1DCBronco689Sun, Jun 10, 12 @ 03:16
By DCBronco
 Nintendo Forgets Apple as It Announces Competitor Hardware Sales2Facelord700Sun, Jul 1, 12 @ 16:17
By Facelord
 Annoying BT Infinity 'Students' All Over Xbox Live5PaulRayment980Thu, Jun 7, 12 @ 21:06
 Slip of the Tongue Provides Wii U Release Month1irritant725Thu, Jun 28, 12 @ 22:12
 Sony Might Be Not Go Major European Video Games Show1Rutabaga701Thu, Jun 7, 12 @ 14:37
 Nintendo to Combat Rudeness in the MiiVerse2Max Firestorm706Sun, Jul 1, 12 @ 10:48
 Exec Admits Sony Messed Up with PlayStation Vita at E31anonymous683Thu, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:18
By anonymous
 Rift Dev Knows Why Star Wars MMO Failed1Anon627Thu, Jun 7, 12 @ 09:02
By Anon
 Wii U Controller Battery Life Revealed 1editor680Thu, Jun 7, 12 @ 01:26
 Despite E3 No Show Last Guardian Remains a PS3 Game1EclipseSSD709Wed, Jun 6, 12 @ 13:29