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 Stuntman Sequel for PlayStation 31majin dboy975Mon, Sep 19, 05 @ 12:38
 Bach Dismisses Analysts – Bullish About 360 in JapanJump to page 12340Naouruki8491Sun, Sep 18, 05 @ 07:17
 Xbox 360 Dated for the UK, US, Japan10SPInGSPOnG1959Fri, Sep 16, 05 @ 10:53
 Revolution Controller showing confirmed – Iwata keynote to reveal allJump to page 12333fluffstardx10311Fri, Sep 16, 05 @ 10:24
 360 Tokyo Game Show Line-up Swells - Resident Evil 5 Confirmed!5emperorsamoth1293Fri, Sep 16, 05 @ 02:55
 PlayStation 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 revealed4TigerUppercut1491Thu, Sep 15, 05 @ 22:06
 Sonic Sprinting onto 360 AND PS3Jump to page 1225Pilot136182Wed, Sep 14, 05 @ 20:44
 Treasure president debunks 360 2D talk4king skins1223Wed, Sep 14, 05 @ 20:30
 Tokyo Game Show – Complete Essential Game List3VastikRoot1351Wed, Sep 14, 05 @ 18:24
 Slimline PlayStation 2 is Latest Console Deathtrap!4TigerUppercut1317Wed, Sep 14, 05 @ 11:01
 Treasure 2D Game Slated for Xbox 3605Greg2k1082Tue, Sep 13, 05 @ 19:28
By Joji
 Microsoft outlines Xbox 360 Live pricing. System delayed?5king skins1310Tue, Sep 13, 05 @ 15:28
By Joji
 Perfect Dark Out October 4 – Joanna Has Boyfriend Called Stu4SimVicious1288Tue, Sep 13, 05 @ 13:38
 GTA: Liberty City Stories: Movies, Screens, Weird Viral Stuff, More…12rascal3827Tue, Sep 13, 05 @ 08:52
 PlayStation 3: Release Date, Titles, Development Process…7YenRug1863Tue, Sep 13, 05 @ 04:44