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 Revolution Parental Control a Bullet in the Foot?11soanso1677Tue, Nov 29, 05 @ 19:42
By Joji
 Nintendo’s Revolution Announcement - Oops!8Ditto1618Tue, Nov 29, 05 @ 18:44
 PlayStation 3 Latest to Confirm Parental Control1vault 131013Tue, Nov 29, 05 @ 14:40
 Outcry as New Pokemon Data is Lost2majin dboy971Mon, Nov 28, 05 @ 18:29
 Nintendo Sees Repeat Profit Slump – DS and GameCube Sales Forecasts Adjusted8realvictory1765Mon, Nov 28, 05 @ 04:28
 Sakaguchi’s Blue Dragon 360 Emerges2TigerUppercut1100Mon, Nov 28, 05 @ 03:21
 Xbox 360 in "actually not small" shockerJump to page 1220king skins4663Sat, Nov 26, 05 @ 14:37
 Pro Gamer Scoops $150,0001realvictory841Fri, Nov 25, 05 @ 18:09
 Gates: Xbox Live Will Become Windows LiveJump to page 1219Ditto4523Thu, Nov 24, 05 @ 19:36
 UK Retail Unease as New Releases Tank11majin dboy1771Thu, Nov 24, 05 @ 12:39
 Robbie Bach Issues Xbox 360 Shortage Statement - Promises New Supplies3DoctorDee1149Thu, Nov 24, 05 @ 11:00
 Blunder shames ‘professional’ games site8TigerUppercut1525Thu, Nov 24, 05 @ 08:13
 Xbox 360 Launch Coverage – The Good and the Bad10OptimusP1753Thu, Nov 24, 05 @ 00:02
 Free Radical Signs With Yet Another Publisher1ann0uk957Wed, Nov 23, 05 @ 16:27
 Xbox 360 24 hour launch event – Massive picture feature7gamereview1443Tue, Nov 22, 05 @ 16:09