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 Report: Xbox 360 'Most Popular Video Player in US'4DrkStr802Sun, Jul 22, 12 @ 03:34
By what ever it is
 Violence Against Women Debate Has Affected God of War Development3luciferous782Sat, Jul 21, 12 @ 12:18
By Triciaqrn
 What the US Army Really Wants as Video Game Gifts1Ahamd698Sat, Jul 21, 12 @ 09:09
By Ahamd
 Microsoft Posts First Loss Since 1986 - Don't Blame Xbox Division1editor692Fri, Jul 20, 12 @ 18:07
 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Gets Sarajevo Shooting Video3ghoti718Fri, Jul 20, 12 @ 17:31
By Alex
 Gearbox: Borderlands Could Go Beyond Pandora1Lewis660Fri, Jul 20, 12 @ 11:51
By Lewis
 Rumour: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Cancelled2luciferous707Fri, Jul 20, 12 @ 11:13
By Daz
 Nintendo 3DS XL Currently Cheapest at £1701ritty657Thu, Jul 19, 12 @ 21:46
By ritty
 Epic Considering Always-Online Requirement for Fortnite1DrkStr684Thu, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:10
By DrkStr
 No New Patch for XBLA Fez Due to Microsoft Costs1DrkStr687Thu, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:06
By DrkStr
 Sequel Confirmed for Dragon's Dogma3luciferous672Wed, Jul 18, 12 @ 17:06
By Nosgoth1979
 Sony Puts Sale of Nasne DVR on Hold - One Day Before Release1Aimeelove679Wed, Jul 18, 12 @ 13:55
 Yakuza 1&2 HD Edition Confirmed1Aimeelove682Wed, Jul 18, 12 @ 13:54
 Japan: PS Vita Sells Under 800k Units in Six Months1Aimeelove672Wed, Jul 18, 12 @ 13:52
 Peter Molydeux Launches Spoof Curiosity Trailer2ease off663Wed, Jul 18, 12 @ 11:08
By Megaton