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 Get Yer Tomb Raider Pre-Order Bait Here!1Daz855Wed, Oct 10, 12 @ 12:37
By Daz
 PETA Pans Pokémon in Fresh Protest1amber789Wed, Oct 10, 12 @ 02:19
By amber
 Xbox 360 Goes Free-to-Play: Happy Wars Launches This Week1ergo776Mon, Oct 8, 12 @ 17:53
By ergo
 University Marching Band Performs Amazing Video Game Tribute 1Hark743Mon, Oct 8, 12 @ 13:11
By Hark
 Resident Evil 6 Update Kills PS3 Copies3Daz848Sat, Oct 6, 12 @ 16:26
 343: Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Alumni Working on Halo 41Dean Donavan 813Thu, Oct 4, 12 @ 21:25
By Dean Donavan
 GameCity Announces Art Prize Shortlist1tyrion765Thu, Oct 4, 12 @ 12:09
 Ubisoft Reveals Facts on Michael Ironside's Splinter Cell Rejection1...778Wed, Oct 3, 12 @ 15:44
By ...
 Video - Justin Bieber Playable in NBA 2K131Luke745Wed, Oct 3, 12 @ 14:46
By Luke
 Xbox Achievements Now Unlock Discounts and Rewards 2Old Codger744Mon, Oct 1, 12 @ 12:10
 Kojima Productions' LA Studio Working on Metal Gear Online1Hark765Mon, Oct 1, 12 @ 10:34
By Hark
 Notch Tells Microsoft to Stop Trying to 'Ruin the PC' 1ghoti818Fri, Sep 28, 12 @ 11:51
 Halo 4 - The Flood Returns1JamesTheMountain743Thu, Sep 27, 12 @ 11:41
By JamesTheMountain
 Zynga Counter-Sues EA, Claims Sims Similarity is "Standardisation" of "Life Sim Genre"3WhatThe742Thu, Sep 27, 12 @ 10:44
By Gladish
 GameStop: Wii U Premium Pre-Orders Sell Out in the US2DrkStr735Thu, Sep 27, 12 @ 09:27
By Radhika