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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 EA and Maxis - SimCity Server Debacle was "Dumb"1tunaman7787921Mon, Mar 11, 13 @ 11:19
 SimCity Server Debacle Goes On - Europe Quakes4Alex Stabler1009Fri, Mar 8, 13 @ 18:41
By Deryan
 BAFTA Games 2013 Nominations - Prepare to Argue Like Drunk Miners1Mer948Thu, Mar 7, 13 @ 23:25
By Mer
 EA Facing SimCity Refund Confusion 1Caleb Peters1093Thu, Mar 7, 13 @ 21:37
By Caleb Peters
 Nintendo Fans Overwhelm uPlay Miiverse Community With Rayman Anger10mike6661833Thu, Mar 7, 13 @ 12:22
By Jaylynn
 PS Vita Gets Free PlayStation Home Arcade Application1Krisztian781Thu, Mar 7, 13 @ 10:09
By Krisztian
 Don't Expect Third-Party Creativity to Expand on Xbox 7201Ergo918Wed, Mar 6, 13 @ 20:58
By Ergo
 Sam Raimi Slams Blizzard Upside their Business Over Warcraft Movie Mess-Up1Ergo769Wed, Mar 6, 13 @ 20:56
By Ergo
 Infinity Ward's Steambox gets Pictured2JonC804Mon, Mar 4, 13 @ 17:49
By ohms
 Aliens: Colonial Marines - "Primary Development Outsourced to TimeGate Studios"2Can1144Thu, Mar 7, 13 @ 12:15
By Can
 Kojima: I Want to Make Metal Gear Rising 2 with Platinum 7Ergo850Mon, Mar 4, 13 @ 01:29
By Awesome
 Cliff Bleszinski Defends Free-to-Play Business Practice2DrkStr789Sun, Mar 3, 13 @ 02:04
 Wii Mini Sells 35,700 Units in Canada2realvictory882Sat, Mar 2, 13 @ 22:58
 Star Wars 1313 Status Uncertain Following Disney Acquisition1ohms819Fri, Mar 1, 13 @ 10:49
By ohms
 PS4 - The User Interface on Show 1Jon Cotton761Thu, Feb 28, 13 @ 20:53
By Jon Cotton