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 We're Posting this GTA V's Cover Story for Hits8Legendkiller7431040Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 22:19
By Joe Bloggs
 Guerrilla: The Sony of Today is Different From The Sony of Five Years Ago1ergo826Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 17:41
By ergo
 Bioware Co-Founder: Next-Gen 'Unlikely' to Save Console Market2DrkStr785Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 17:39
By ergo
 Sony: We'd Hate to See All PS4 Games be FPS or Photorealistic1ergo777Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 17:38
By ergo
 Bogus PlayStation 4 Facebook Page Offers Free Consoles for Playtests1config835Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 11:41
 Batman: Arkham Origins Coming October Without Rocksteady1ghoti790Wed, Apr 10, 13 @ 11:32
 Xbox 720 - Disc Format Not Backwardly Compatible 3R815Tue, Apr 9, 13 @ 16:37
 Minecraft: The Future of 3D Printer Design?1ghoti810Tue, Apr 9, 13 @ 10:26
 US Senator: Government May Have to MAKE Video Games Makers Comply on Gun Censorship2Ergo914Mon, Apr 8, 13 @ 06:53
 PS4 as "Supercharged PC" Getting Positive Response3Ergo875Mon, Apr 8, 13 @ 00:52
By JustFacts
 Xbox 720: Always On - Deal with It says Microsoft Man3ghoti860Fri, Apr 5, 13 @ 23:22
By Darren A.
 Gamestop Outs Xbox 720 But Claims People Want PS4 More Than "All The Other Things They Could Buy"!1TheRealMRXBOX970Thu, Apr 4, 13 @ 23:01
 Epic Games: PS4 is Like "The World's Best PC"1TheRealMRXBOX845Thu, Apr 4, 13 @ 22:49
 Disney Closes LucasArts - Star Wars 1313 Canned1TheRealMRXBOX837Thu, Apr 4, 13 @ 22:39
 Xbox 720 "Aligned" in Tech with PS4 Says Ubisoft1TheRealMRXBOX860Thu, Apr 4, 13 @ 22:32