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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Daily Mail Goes Mental: Playing Football Video Games "Makes You More Aggressive'3Moore886Wed, May 4, 11 @ 17:12
 Crystal Dynamics Lara Croft Needed a Reboot3Cfan699Wed, May 4, 11 @ 15:37
 Nintendo Repositioning Wii with Price Cut 1Cfan565Wed, May 4, 11 @ 09:38
By Cfan
 Need for Speed; The Run - for November1Andrew520Wed, May 4, 11 @ 06:14
By Andrew
 News Corp Fattening 1UP for Sale - GameStop in Frame1BakedGoods537Wed, May 4, 11 @ 06:10
 Call of Duty Black Ops - DLC + Games On Demand Today1CrazyNesss635Tue, May 3, 11 @ 23:02
By CrazyNesss
 Bethesda Details Three New Vegas DLC Packs1Cfan621Tue, May 3, 11 @ 15:26
By Cfan
 Video as Sony's and Hirai and Stringer Pledge One Month's Free PSN Gaming6Alex J Simpson1052Tue, May 3, 11 @ 01:33
By Laughable
 Sellout Sonic the Hedgehog Convention Promises Legendary Fan Party2Shaunthehedgehog636Tue, May 3, 11 @ 00:05
By Someguy
 PlayStation Network: Credit Card Details with Hackers5Sony939Mon, May 2, 11 @ 12:18
By Niko
 Sony Confirms that Limited PSN Up "Within a Week"6deleted1385Mon, May 2, 11 @ 10:37
 Playstation Saves, Trophies and Friends Fail to Fail2UnknownGeezer 771Sun, May 1, 11 @ 14:43
By Tone
 USA Government Questions Apple Over Stored iPad and iPhone Location Data3DrkStr644Fri, Apr 29, 11 @ 06:21
By ETtiene Fivaz
 Team Ninja: Jiggling Women Still Important to Dead or Alive2deleted844Fri, Apr 29, 11 @ 01:36
By xino
 Nintendo Dates Wii Motion Wii Play for Europe1deleted748Thu, Apr 28, 11 @ 13:47