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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Bob Hoskins Really Hates Super Mario Bros.3DrkStr804Thu, Jun 23, 11 @ 09:36
 Al Gore Disagrees with Obama: Video Games are Good1revsoul720Wed, Jun 22, 11 @ 21:39
 Codemasters: We Have to be Clever to Get Around Sony and Microsoft Restrictions2DrkStr589Wed, Jun 22, 11 @ 12:47
By Anon
 Sony On Why The Playstation Portable Became Old News1DrkStr614Wed, Jun 22, 11 @ 12:20
By DrkStr
 Hacking Arrest Drama: Did Anonymous Shop Lulzsec to Cops?1Joe Mac691Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 23:03
By Joe Mac
 Cops Arrest Alleged Lulzsec Leader2Uncle Frank676Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 22:58
By Joe Mac
 New Sony PS3 has PS2 Compatibility 'with Proprietary Software'2irritant790Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 16:32
By Confused
 Microsoft Games Studios Director: Kinect has Real Problems2Cfan737Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 14:24
 New BioShock Infinite Videos Make Eyes Smile2Alvis759Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 13:29
 Gwyneth Paltrow's Kids 'Freebase' Mario on Wii1Cfan648Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 10:40
By Cfan
 Sacked Duke Nukem Forever PR "Shouldn’t the Journalist Have to Pay For His Actions?"1DrkStr604Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 10:40
By DrkStr
 Take Two Zelnick: More Duke Nukem and Slams Heavy Rain2bday569Tue, Jun 21, 11 @ 09:57
By Cfan
 Obama Gunning for Video Games Again2Anon713Mon, Jun 20, 11 @ 21:25
By Joe Mac
 Carmack on Quake 5: Back to Cthulhu-ish Quake2Cfan903Mon, Jun 20, 11 @ 21:01
 Diary Note: Supreme Court to Rule on Violent Video Games2gingineer715Mon, Jun 20, 11 @ 17:08
By Yawgie