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 Jack Tretton Brushes off iPhone Threat1DoctorDee826Tue, Jun 28, 11 @ 15:38
 Ubisoft Announced Black Eyed Peas Game - Check the Video1Cfan723Tue, Jun 28, 11 @ 10:25
By Cfan
 Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D Blocks Data Reset2realvictory876Tue, Jun 28, 11 @ 09:40
By da man
 Bugs Intentionally Left in Ocarina of Time 3DS2realvictory789Mon, Jun 27, 11 @ 12:37
 "Top Developer" PlayStation 4 Unveiling in 20121realvictory740Mon, Jun 27, 11 @ 12:11
 Sub-£180 PlayStation 3 Expected Soon2deleted779Sun, Jun 26, 11 @ 11:13
By british grammar nazi
 Man to Play LOTRO in Box for Seven Straight Days for Art1SPInGSPOnG764Sun, Jun 26, 11 @ 09:32
 Psychologist Slams Sloppy Video Games Violence Research2finanllly685Fri, Jun 24, 11 @ 16:36
By finanllly
 Bioshock Infinite: Ken Levine Talks Uncertainty1chimpfu712Fri, Jun 24, 11 @ 15:44
By chimpfu
 Classic 80s Hacker Movie War Games Getting 'Reboot'1Cfan616Fri, Jun 24, 11 @ 11:22
By Cfan
 PlayStation Teams Up with Rowling on New Harry Potter Venture1Cfan726Thu, Jun 23, 11 @ 19:07
By Cfan
 The Sun Puts Sonic on Sony MegaDrive1Cfan632Thu, Jun 23, 11 @ 15:29
By Cfan
 Microsoft "Doing What it Can" to Secure Xbox 360 Online1Cfan656Thu, Jun 23, 11 @ 12:53
By Cfan
 Confusion for PopCap as $1 Billion EA Sale is Rumoured1Cfan712Thu, Jun 23, 11 @ 10:45
By Cfan
 Sonic the Hedgehog is 20 Today2deleted793Mon, Jul 4, 11 @ 10:32