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Subject Posts Starter Reads Latest
 Burnout Crash - Back to Basics for Criterion5miacid929Fri, Jul 8, 11 @ 13:51
 Satoru Iwata: Wii U Will Satisfy Hardcore Gamers6DrkStr919Thu, Jul 7, 11 @ 19:46
 Ubisoft: Xbox 360 and PS3 too Limited for Good AI1underscore748Thu, Jul 7, 11 @ 16:16
By underscore
 PlayStation 2 In The Pink1milena723Wed, Jul 6, 11 @ 23:01
By milena
 At Last! Live Search for PlayStation Network!5DrkStr947Wed, Jul 6, 11 @ 13:48
 Majority of UK Population 'Active Gamers'1Cfan711Wed, Jul 6, 11 @ 12:47
By Cfan
 Professor Violence: Supreme Court Judges 'Factually Incorrect' on Video Game Ruling1SPInGSPOnG806Tue, Jul 5, 11 @ 19:22
 PC Mod of GTA IV Brings Liberty City Up-to-Date2deleted913Tue, Jul 5, 11 @ 17:40
 Cloud Saves Arrive for Xbox 3603Cfan892Tue, Jul 5, 11 @ 17:30
 Kinect-a-Like PlayStation 4 Coming in 20123Sim Tmith796Tue, Jul 5, 11 @ 06:43
By ur mum
 Deputy Minister for Video Games Slams Grand Theft Auto as Unimportant3Anon786Mon, Jul 4, 11 @ 16:43
By captainpugwash
 Woah S**T! What Have They Done to Spyro?2deleted925Mon, Jul 4, 11 @ 03:43
By siffia
 Net Privacy Campaign to 'Brick Nintendo Before They Brick You' KIcks In2Cfan796Tue, Jul 5, 11 @ 09:01
By Cfan
 Nintendo Cuts Price of DSi and DSi XL in America2deleted853Sat, Jul 2, 11 @ 14:33
By Cash
 PSN Hack Blamed on Sony Security Oversight1SPInGSPOnG767Sat, Jul 2, 11 @ 11:53