360 Is More Powerful Than PS3 Says Microsoft

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Topic started: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:43
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Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:09
well, that'll teach me to use self-deprecating humor, I call myself a jerk, and all of a sudden everyone picks up on that...extending the olive branch by admitting that maybe I was a little bit of a jerk, and you turn around and jam it up my ass...real class.

Sheesh tyr, lighten the f**k up, will ya...maybe I used incorrect British slang...I was assuming that 'wind someone up' was identical in meaning with what would be called in my circles over here 'f**king with' which is generally something someone does with their friends, but not in a mean spirited way... In any event, 'FOX News' worked for me on several levels, of course the original and base meaning was a shorthand comparison. And as I stated previously, I had absolutely no idea that your reaction to it would be as vehement as it was. Was I trying for such an extreme reaction? Not really. Was I genuinely offended by what I saw as your setting yourself up as arbiter of the balance? Yes. Am I the only one who thinks that perhaps you were a bit too knee-jerk in your defense of Sony at times? Apparently not.

Now as to balance...the phrase 'balanced opinion'...I still don't like it, besides you clearly stated and implied that your opinion was not only 'rational' and 'thoughtfully considered', it was also intended to work toward the other, non-metaphorical, more traditional meaning of 'balance'. Which is PRECISELY where you left yourself open to comparisions with FOX.

Forget it, the more I defend my position, the more pissed off you're going to get...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:23
You suppose wrong, this is the only forum where I'm consistently active.

You malign Magneto.

Do I go around looking for 'lesser' mortals to toy with? Of course not, wheres the glory or fun in that? Am I afraid to confront someone I see as assaulting that which I hold dear, regardless of mutant powers, or lack thereof? Not at all. Have I been known to lord it over the broken bodies of my defeated enemies? Yes, but only only when the person in question lacks the basic reason and logic neccessary for rational discourse.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:27
Actually you'd be surprised. I'm every bit as confrontational in person as I am online. I'm a great believer in the maxim 'the only thing that is needed for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.' Its the people who DO use the comfortable anonymity of the internet to act differently than they do in person that I tend to get into it with. I despise that sort.
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:40
PreciousRoi wrote:
Its the people who DO use the comfortable anonymity of the internet to act differently than they do in person that I tend to get into it with. I despise that sort.

You being so judgemental, makes you not so superior.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 17:13

well theres a difference between being forthwith in presenting opposition and being acerbic. im happy to believe you take no s**t in real life and throw your weighted opinion around with glee, i can identify with that. i have just always though you wouldnt be as caustic :D

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