PlayStation Network Outage Prompts 'Hacking' Conspiracy

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Topic started: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:56
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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 10:48
@Ninja-_-Pants Fuk SONY.. All they have done from the start is remove features and hardware and now there attacking the small guy (for millions).. I think hacking leaderboards is wrong, but if you decide to give up psn so you can jailbreak you ps3 than whats so bad about that? coz i'll tell you wat, leaderboards have been getting hacked for years and sony didnt give a s**t about that but this jailbreaking has got them spending big bucks in court tryin to sue the small guy. While i love the PS3 I still think we reserve the right to do what ever we want with it and if goehot isnt making a profit then who cares.. just because we buy there console doesnt mean where bound to buy there games, just like toyota cant make you buy a genuine part for your camry.. What makes consoles so different from cd players, PC's, the i-phone, a car, or anything that belongs to YOU, dont sell your freedoms short coz if SONY win this then who knows what rights we could potentially lose over our own property in the future..
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 10:53
@Johny u lick your own ass hole regularly!! stop licking it!! and stop hitting on ur dad you fag
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 10:58
@danijel208 woohoo yes! yes! no! yesnonsenosensonosnoneosneosensoenosenosnosenosenosensonesonesonesoneoseosneosensoneosneosneosneosneosneosnesoensoensoenosneundefined
Iain Lee
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 11:48
Hi, Iain Lee here reporting live from with a furious debate over Playstations network being down and....*blink*....debate...I...
'Unzips' pants'

yo mama
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 12:40
frustrated and furious wrote:
i just wana play my god dam games. if they wana make a ps3 like a computer buy a f**king computer! go die Anonymous hackers, hope u all get bowel cancer

i fully agree,ps3 is a home console not a pc,and this s h i t is crap man,
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 13:36
@shohib I do agree with u
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:32
i'm with the hackers.they have every right to want to know more and more and btw sony souldnīt have sued geohotz just because he craked the ps3.he has every right to do so
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:42
Unbelievable PSN has been down many times before there has been countless updates yes still people are able to crack psn? I dont understand why the so called "anonymous" would bother cracking psn all they have achieved is getting lots of users angry and making sony look like t**ts ... again
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:44
@yoyo i understand what you mean that if you buy your ps3 its rightfully yours you do what you want with it but when you first boot up your ps3 you get asked for t&c's and once you've accepted them your bound by that contract and you can NOT crack it or you will get banned/jailed/bricked
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 15:47
Anonymous Fan
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:04
I hope it is them. I think they're doing what needs to be done. You guys can complain all you want but sony needs to get their crap straight and start thinking more about their players and what they want. If you spend 300 dollars on a system you should be able to customize it the way you want. Especially if the features you customize are things that were on the system at one point.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:09
@Shane dude i live in montana and its snowing!!! lets get some ps3 ONLINE
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:30
i think anyone who sides with some bunch of pussy hackers should be shot. Anonymous can suck a d@&$ and lick some nuts. If there so badass and dangerous then they could domsomething to the company and not us. I think there whole rant about Scientology and hacking is pussy bullsh$t and they need to unmask themselves or do something violent and dangerous already. I will personally five my address to any hacker who thinks he can slit my throat or kill my family. The s**t they've said
And the horrible things they've done to people will night them in the ass
One day. I wish I could personally put those hackers in the hospital and give them what they need. Stand by our rights as customers and gamers, and make
Sure that if you ever meet a hacker, that you shove his nose into the back of his or her throat. I hope your all prosecuted and get stuck in the ass
By a bunch of big black dudes, you coward ass faget fuking pussies. Anyone who thinks their right for hackin can come get some to. Fix our s**t or I will start a lynch mob and threats won't apply, your head will be on a stake ANON
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 17:27
@Anonymous_Fan i have a elite team of underground hackers on the move to attack anonymous... as well as paid hitman on the move... f**k you anonymous, you just cost yourself your lives! if it doesnt get down ill kill as many as you scum geek as i can! theres more then just me on the move too!! millions are on there way to f**k your s**t up guys!
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 17:31
@J my bretheren J, i also have said lynch mob on the go, funded the most viscous, suicidal, intelligent, opiate addicted induviduals which i am distrubuting said drugs to them... they are doing everything in there powere at this moment to exterminate them, and destroy there precious computers... the common man has been played enough! i will not allow for this nonsense!

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