GTA IV Freezing on PlayStation 3?

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Topic started: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:54
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Wed, 30 Apr 2008 13:54
i had the same problem with the game freezing on my 80gb PS3, I took advice of g4 and deleted the hard drive data and reinstalled it. Now it works fine.

***n00b weblink removed***
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 13:58
Roy wrote:
i had the same problem with the game freezing on my 80gb PS3, I took advice of g4 and deleted the hard drive data and reinstalled it. Now it works fine.

Thanks for that.

Roy wrote:

It's a shame that the pig didn't lose Roger Waters really...


Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 14:01
I thought the Floyd learnt their lesson with the pig at Battersea, or was Waters too cheap to have a few sharpshooters on hand?
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:17
No freezing here have a JPN 60gb purchased from ***n00b weblink removed*** Check it out

[30 Apr 2008, 16:37: Message edited by 'config' - nice try at message spam!]
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:58
its not a rumor, it just hasn't happened to everybody. unfortunately, it did happen to me........... played for about 2 hours with no problem then the next few times i tried it froze after about 15 minutes. even tried uninstalling and reinstalling. no go.
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 23:02
I have an 80GB and it keeps freezin on me as's not just the 40GB
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 23:03
I've got a 360 and ps3...decided to buy it on the ps3 as got more mates with a ps3. game has frozen twice now....once after the multiplayer tutorial and once partly through a mission. have clocked about 6 hours before experiencing freezing. I have a 40GB ps3.
When it freezes I have to switch the ps3 off and on again....
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Thu, 1 May 2008 08:54
lanch 60gb ps3 upgraded to 250 gb only had 1 prb but not with game only with network i heard that it is manly 60gb ps3 that are having problems but in many forums that are saying upgraded hdd are not see if thay can sort it out on regards to 360 no problems at all
Fri, 2 May 2008 15:55
The one thing i am worried about is all the system crashes that sony has recieved from GTA iv disabling the dvd drives. On in the forums many have said GTA 4 ruined their systems and due to this Sony is back ordering repairs of any consoles. now this is happeneing with the 40, 60, & 80 gig versions. I think i will stop playing GTA4 until a fix is presented. LONG LIVE PC GAMING!!!
Fri, 2 May 2008 18:42
Hi my partner got it and guess what it froze on his 60gb ps3 doing his head in so yes it is doing it maybe not on the 40gb and 80gb but it is doing it.
steve fish
Sat, 3 May 2008 00:53
No probs here on a launch ps3. I had probs on my 360 though not gtaIV related just my third RROD. I am so glad I bought the ps3 version it would have sucked not being able to play for two weeks. I did actually have a prob with getting into multiplayer on my ps3 yesterday but I think that was a server issue not a ps3 issue. I think there are people experiencing problems but it is not related to a specific version or console for that matter. Look to rockstar to post a patch soon for both the 360 and ps3 to fix both versions.
Sat, 3 May 2008 05:04
I have the ps3 version and had no prob with up until tonite where it froze about 7-8 times i had to reboot the ps3 now for me it came not with the first mins of the came it came like 25 missions in....I can tell there is a prob cus also when u hit the ps button to either quit the game or turn the ps3 off it takes longer then it should and Beepes 4 times and just restarts...even though i hit shut down
Sat, 3 May 2008 17:18
my 60 gb ps3 keeps frezzing and i have done about 20 missions, it never froze before that and is so annoying
Paul Goodman
Sat, 3 May 2008 20:08
Cant believe it - Installed, and freezes at the STARTING NEW GAME screen. Re-installed and it worked, but stalled at the opening credits, and back to the STARTING NEW GAME sceen! Please help!!
Wed, 7 May 2008 15:59
To get past the STARTING NEW GAME screen i was stuck too, just disconnect the internet and then try

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