360 Is More Powerful Than PS3 Says Microsoft

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Topic started: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:43
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:01
PreciousRoi wrote:
oh, tyr, I quit calling you a Sony fanboy a loooong time ago. You do however, in my opinion, borne out by your own past statements, have a bias against MS which is not based upon anything they've done as a video game company.

I have a stated dislike for Microsoft as a company. I have also, on occasion, gone against that dislike and given them credit where credit was due. I have also said I very much like the 360 and Live, I just wish it had been another company that had produced them.

Do you have a dislike for Sony over, lets say, the Blu-ray format and its DRM, the MemoryStick format and Sony's insistance on using it, the Sony-BMG rootkit incident or Betamax? None of which pertain to their console business. Or is it just their overly arrogant marketing spiel, which has no bearing on the quality of their consoles either?

We all have prejudices that inform our opinions of people and companies. I have, on occasion, put mine aside and given praise where it was due.

PreciousRoi wrote:
Then Sony started taking a pasting in the media, and you started your 'FOX News' routine...

You keep comparing me to Fox and I don't believe it's warranted. There is a difference between the "just as strong yet diametrically opposite" balance that Fox push and the "considered and thought out" balance that I try to inject into conversations.

My statements of intent over balancing the anti-Sony flames seem to have tripped your head-switch into believing that I am a Sony evangelist. However, if you look at the words that I write and understand the concepts behind them, I think you'll find they are balanced in themselves, not just an opposite rant.

Of course, you are fully entitled to your opinions, but don't be surprised if I continue to air mine. And please note, only one of us has resorted to name calling.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:06
PreciousRoi wrote:
bah, vacuum cleaners don't coun't...Japan doesn't have an emotional stake in vacuum cleaners.

How about iPods, BMWs, clothes, music and film? Japan has an appetite for western culture and appliances, they just don't have an appetite for the Xbox or 360 at the moment.

Games that appeal to the Japanese player sell well in Japan, just look at Blue Dragon. More of those sort of games and Microsoft may see more impressive numbers of consoles sold.
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:50
alexhooren wrote:
I own an iPod... Do I like it? No. Do I regret buying it? Yes. Ownership proves nothing.

A Sony fanboy wouldn't own an Xbox.

My argument stands.

Lets see: DVD replaced video cassettes, providing a more conveniate and fullfilling solution with far better picture and sound quality. The public loved it and all round uptake was massive and rapid. Plus it had no competitors.

Bluray "replaces" DVD, providing no added bonuses except more pointless commentaries and high definition visuals (limited improvement compared to upscaled DVDs). Also comes with a higher price tag and is DRM laden! It currently competes with HD-DVD and there is still no indication who, if either, will win the war. Most importantly, the public are not interested and have largely ignored it, favouring instead to keep and build there numerous and expensive DVD collections. I pose to you the case of CDs replacing tape cassettes and the then total failure of SACD and DVD-Audio.

The public have largely ignored.. what? A format they can't easily buy yet? The PS3 is a trojan horse for Blu-Ray, if you own a PS3 and a movie comes out in DVD and Blu-Ray, you're going to buy the Blu-Ray. If you're the average consumer and you're going to buy a next gen games console, you're going to buy a PS3 over a 360. I'm not saying that's right OR wrong, but that's the truth.

Yes they're both improved formats, but otherwise marketing issues alone mean that SACD and DVD-Audio are in no way comparable with DVD and Blu-Ray.

My argument stands.

The Japanese are xenophobia, common knowledge, and in general do not like Xbox because its American. Secondly, most of the games are western and dont target the market well. Looks have NOTHING to do with success in Japan.

Xenophobic. Anyway, looks are very much important in Japan. The Japanese like small, they like cute, and yes the PS3 is massive but only slightly larger than the 360 and doesn't have that power brick you don't seem to think is important. Plus the PS3 is an established brand, and it's an all in one media centre. The 360 isn't. You need to buy ANOTHER box to watch next-gen video. Microsoft should have learnt their lesson and if they were going to launch a console they knew would have trouble anyway, they could have at least designed the thing to accomodate that xenophobia as much as possible.

My argument stands.

Seriously, M$ are not some *evil* company. EVERY company wants to succeed and will use press releases and marketing any way they can to get the upper hand. Sony and Nintendo want to win as badly as M$, Sony probably more because failure is more finacial damaging to the overall company. Claiming M$ are desperate because they do what all other companies do and use some clever marketing to portray their product in a better light, you are wrong.

You're turning the S into a dollar sign and trying to argue against me? You've done the last part for me.

My argument - go on have a guess - stands.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:52
tyrion wrote:
Do you have a dislike for Sony over, lets say, the Blu-ray format and its DRM, the MemoryStick format and Sony's insistance on using it, the Sony-BMG rootkit incident or Betamax? None of which pertain to their console business. Or is it just their overly arrogant marketing spiel, which has no bearing on the quality of their consoles either?
no, my anti-Sony prejudices stem from issues arising from video games directly.

tyrion wrote:
We all have prejudices that inform our opinions of people and companies. I have, on occasion, put mine aside and given praise where it was due.
OK, so you don't allow your prekudice to blind you completely.

PreciousRoi wrote:
Then Sony started taking a pasting in the media, and you started your 'FOX News' routine...

tyrion wrote:
You keep comparing me to Fox and I don't believe it's warranted. There is a difference between the "just as strong yet diametrically opposite" balance that Fox push and the "considered and thought out" balance that I try to inject into conversations.
I reject your description of your 'balance' and substituite my own. In both cases, its 'balance, for the sake of agenda', with the 'thought and consideration' going toward how to best defend Sony. Though I do not believe now that this was an end in and of itself.

tyrion wrote:
My statements of intent over balancing the anti-Sony flames seem to have tripped your head-switch into believing that I am a Sony evangelist. However, if you look at the words that I write and understand the concepts behind them, I think you'll find they are balanced in themselves, not just an opposite rant.
For the last time, I no longer believe you to be a Sony fanboy, Sony evangelist, or any kind of vehemently pro-Sony position at all. You don't like Mircosoft. Have you resigned yourself to their presence in the marketplace? Perhaps, but I don't think you're very happy about it. Are you still prejudiced against them on an emotional level? I believe you are.

tyrion wrote:
You dirty namecaller.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:07
tyrion wrote:
PreciousRoi wrote:
bah, vacuum cleaners don't coun't...Japan doesn't have an emotional stake in vacuum cleaners.

How about iPods,
Yes, Japan DOES have a stake in this market, but this is the exception that proves the rule, as well as iPod being the Kleenex of the industry
tyrion wrote:
Of course they also have a stake in cars, however I think this is more of a status symbol thing.
tyrion wrote:
clothes, music and film?
No real emotional stake for the Nihonjin here.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:46
schnide wrote:
A Sony fanboy wouldn't own an Xbox.
No, a Sony fanboy wouldn't admit to owning an Xbox...unless they were desperately trying to deny being a Sony fanboy.

schnide wrote:
The PS3 is a trojan horse for Blu-Ray, if you own a PS3 and a movie comes out in DVD and Blu-Ray, you're going to buy the Blu-Ray.
Yes. Congratulations on making sense, if only for a second.
schnide wrote:
If you're the average consumer and you're going to buy a next gen games console, you're going to buy a PS3 over a 360. I'm not saying that's right OR wrong, but that's the truth.
Utter ballocks. The average consumer doesn't even know they 'need' a media hub, and isn't really all that excited about either of the next gen formats.

schnide wrote:
WOW, you corrected a non-native English speaker on a point of grammar...Huzzah for you. Oh wait, whats this?
schnide wrote:
Anyway, looks are very much important in Japan.
'very much important'? *giggles* Beisdes the PS3 is big and fugly.
schnide wrote:
The Japanese like small, they like cute
PS3 is neither.
schnide wrote:
Microsoft should have learnt their lesson and if they were going to launch a console they knew would have trouble anyway, they could have at least designed the thing to accomodate that xenophobia as much as possible.
I think they did actually, but then I also think they were more worried about sales elsewhere.

schnide wrote:
See the $ proves it.
Oh yeah, real impressive argument.

All your arguments - go on guess - fail miserably and completely.

You lie and your breath stinks.
Joined 19 Dec 2005
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 13:56
to be honest i cant really be bothered to have this argument anymore.

quite simply you tried to slate the xbox using stupid arguments and reasoning, there is a lot wrong with the 360 you could have chosen, instead of pointless things like 'it has a power brick' etc.

you then go on to praise the ps3 ignoring that it suffers from some of the same things that you state as being problems with the 360.

you are by definition a fanboy and if anyone is 'desperate' it is you, as you are clearly continuing to come out with irrelevant reasoning to justify your original crap and save face.

* as for bluray vs. dvd (quite funny considering you attacked me for my lack of knowledge of the consumer market and hence lack of job in the industry, when you show very little real understanding of the general public relating to consumer issues!). people have no idea wtf bluray is, some kind of death laser is probably the logical conclusion! so when they see 'casino royale' on the shelves on both dvd and bluray, do they a) buy the dvd for £9.99 knowing what a dvd is and knowing it will play in their xbox/wii/ps3/dvd players/pc on any tv in their house, and add to their excisting collection of dvds they know how to use and know work, or b) buy the £19.99 bluray they have little understanding of that will only play in their ps3/£1000 bluray player with little benefit to them and diverge their excisting collections. Hmmm... *
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:11
alexhooren wrote:
There is a lot wrong with the 360 you could have chosen

There's more? Well feel free to elaborate, because I thought Microsoft had make enough mistakes already. I'm not saying it's a poor machine in itself, because it isn't, but they're talking up a fight with Sony that they aren't fully equipped to win.

you then go on to praise the ps3 ignoring that it suffers from some of the same things that you state as being problems with the 360.

I did? Like what? The size of the machine? You mean the PS3 which can do all the things that the 360 can do in one box, when the 360 needs 3?

people have no idea wtf bluray is

And that, you idiot, is where you finally no longer hold weight in this argument. Take your short term thinking and put it in a box for a year's time.
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:14
PreciousRoi wrote:
schnide wrote:
A Sony fanboy wouldn't own an Xbox.
No, a Sony fanboy wouldn't admit to owning an Xbox...unless they were desperately trying to deny being a Sony fanboy.

schnide wrote:
The PS3 is a trojan horse for Blu-Ray, if you own a PS3 and a movie comes out in DVD and Blu-Ray, you're going to buy the Blu-Ray.
Yes. Congratulations on making sense, if only for a second.
schnide wrote:
If you're the average consumer and you're going to buy a next gen games console, you're going to buy a PS3 over a 360. I'm not saying that's right OR wrong, but that's the truth.
Utter ballocks. The average consumer doesn't even know they 'need' a media hub, and isn't really all that excited about either of the next gen formats.

schnide wrote:
WOW, you corrected a non-native English speaker on a point of grammar...Huzzah for you. Oh wait, whats this?
schnide wrote:
Anyway, looks are very much important in Japan.
'very much important'? *giggles* Beisdes the PS3 is big and fugly.
schnide wrote:
The Japanese like small, they like cute
PS3 is neither.
schnide wrote:
Microsoft should have learnt their lesson and if they were going to launch a console they knew would have trouble anyway, they could have at least designed the thing to accomodate that xenophobia as much as possible.
I think they did actually, but then I also think they were more worried about sales elsewhere.

schnide wrote:
See the $ proves it.
Oh yeah, real impressive argument.

All your arguments - go on guess - fail miserably and completely.

You lie and your breath stinks.

Yeah yeah.

So anyway, tell me, what did you do? Dress up in your favourite Slipknot mask, take a picture and rotoscope it in Paint?
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:56
PreciousRoi wrote:
no, my anti-Sony prejudices stem from issues arising from video games directly.

So what are they? I've made my case clear on why I don't like Microsoft, have you made yours clear on your dislike of Sony?

PreciousRoi wrote:
OK, so you don't allow your prekudice to blind you completely.

Which is my entire point. I don't let my prejudices blind me. I'm neither a fanboy or a hateboy (is there an accepted term for anti-fanboy?) I have a bias away from Microsoft, but I will admit when they do things I agree with.

PreciousRoi wrote:
I reject your description of your 'balance' and substituite my own. In both cases, its 'balance, for the sake of agenda', with the 'thought and consideration' going toward how to best defend Sony. Though I do not believe now that this was an end in and of itself.

So I only "balance" anti-Sony feelings to push my agenda of defending Sony, but I'm not a Sony fanboy?

The only agenda I bring to these forums it to put across my point of view. To do this I will correct "wrong" thinking that underlies statements that I don't agree with. If someone comes on and mentions "the Masacre Sony will unleash on the Xbox 360 world wide", I'll correct them.

PreciousRoi wrote:
You don't like Mircosoft. Have you resigned yourself to their presence in the marketplace? Perhaps, but I don't think you're very happy about it. Are you still prejudiced against them on an emotional level? I believe you are.

Which is exactly what I have been saying. I'm biased against them, but can see and admit when they do things "right" (as I see it). If I was a "hater" I'd not admit that they do anything right, or I'd say they did it with an ulterior motive. I don't.

I don't see what your issue is. I don't make up facts I don't put ridiculous slants on existing facts and I try not to leave anything out of my arguments.

Am I unable to criticise Microsoft for anything because I have an admitted dislike for them? In which case, you would be unable to criticise Sony.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:28
tyrion wrote:
Am I unable to criticise Microsoft for anything because I have an admitted dislike for them? In which case, you would be unable to criticise Sony.

Does this mean I am unable to criticise Roi? ;)

And yes Tyr, you must amend all jokes with a winking smilie, it helps.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 17:03
LUPOS wrote:

And yes Tyr, you must amend all jokes with a winking smilie, it helps.

yeah, really the internet is that bad at getting across humour and irony, smilies are the substitute for stress and tone, body language and guffaws

roi killed that schnide guy, eh

and tyrion, whilst not a rampant 'fan'boy you do seem to afford sony the benefit of the doubt pretty much all the time, which in most other situations would suggest a preferance. wether you do like sony that little bit extra, or are just some kind of jolly optimist i dont know, and to be honest, beyond a litte bit of smalltalk game banter i dont care :D
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 17:17
My reasons are my own and are ultimately unimportant, as they matter only to me. You'll just have to trust me that they deal with Sony's history as a video game company. Since I'm not trying to 'make a case against' Sony I don't feel it neccessary to discuss them, nor do I care to.

I've never heard the term hateboy before, I prefer my own concoction, anti-fanboy. I also think you take me a bit too seriously, at one point I saw the whole 'tyr is a Sony fanboy' thing as something of a running gag. Now, how can your agenda be Sony's defense without your being a Sony fanboy yourself? Simple, the 'Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend' principle. You defend Sony because you oppose MicroSoft, and at the time you began your campaign of 'balance' everything was going wrong for Sony, not becasue of some 'imbalance' which required correction, but simply becasue they were screwing everything up. I don't have a problem with anyone expressing their opinions, irregardless of any problems I may have with the opinions themselves. I DO however have a problem with someone (especially a biased someone) putting forward thier opinions as 'balanced', or for the purpose of creating or maintaining 'balance'. It appears patently disingenuous and self-serving.

Now, perhaps in this case I misinterpreted what was intended as a humorous observation as both a statement of fact (incorrect) and as lending support to the opinions expressed by schnide, whose implications of desperation of MicroSoft's part I see every bit as ridiculous as the 'Massacre' statement you yourself corrected. I don't think that that was an unreasonable interpretation.
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:26
PreciousRoi wrote:

>My reasons are my own and are ultimately
>unimportant, as they matter only to me. You'll
>just have to trust me that they deal with Sony's
>history as a video game company. Since I'm not
>trying to 'make a case against' Sony I don't feel
>it neccessary to discuss them, nor do I care to.
>I've never heard the term hateboy before, I
>prefer my own concoction, anti-fanboy. I also
>think you take me a bit too seriously, at one
>point I saw the whole 'tyr is a Sony fanboy'
>thing as something of a running gag. Now, how can
>your agenda be Sony's defense without your being
>a Sony fanboy yourself? Simple, the 'Enemy of my
>Enemy is my Friend' principle. You defend Sony
>because you oppose MicroSoft, and at the time you
>began your campaign of 'balance' everything was
>going wrong for Sony, not becasue of some
>'imbalance' which required correction, but simply
>becasue they were screwing everything up. I don't
>have a problem with anyone expressing their
>opinions, irregardless of any problems I may have
>with the opinions themselves. I DO however have a
>problem with someone (especially a biased
>someone) putting forward thier opinions as
>'balanced', or for the purpose of creating or
>maintaining 'balance'. It appears patently
>disingenuous and self-serving.
>Now, perhaps in this case I misinterpreted what
>was intended as a humorous observation as both a
>statement of fact (incorrect) and as lending
>support to the opinions expressed by schnide,
>whose implications of desperation of MicroSoft's
>part I see every bit as ridiculous as the
>'Massacre' statement you yourself corrected. I
>don't think that that was an unreasonable

My my, so precious!

I can't believe anyone's really still trying to argue that Microsoft aren't frightened of the PS3.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:59
I edited this in outlook for soem reason wrote:

I can't believe anyone's really still trying to argue that Microsoft aren't frightened of the PS3.

Um, Ms just entered the console wars five years ago. There first attempt at makign a console they beat out nintendo. Now on there second attempt many people believe they have a faire shot at actually having a larger global share than sony. Why would they be "scared" of sony? I feel like your just choosing your words wrong. If what your sayign is that MS realizes how strong sony is as competiton and therefore activly attempts to subvert them, then I agree with you whole heartedly. If you think, however, that peter moore lies awake at night in bed imagining behind crushed to death by a PS3 and thinking that the is no point in even makign xboxs cause it will never succed, well, then your retarded.

Conversly, judging by their constant aloof attitude I dont feel Sony trully respects the threat that MS presents to them. Perhaps your a loud mouth pompose braggard who appreciates a company who can blindly ignore competiton because they "know" they are the best.

Me I like to over analyze things generaly and can apreciate a company that, from my outside perspective at least, spends a lot of time watching their competition and using that to their advantage. Strategery!

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