PlayStation 3: March 2007 Launch in Europe. Official

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Topic started: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 08:50
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Joined 11 Dec 2005
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 00:45
well, just think about it this way. with the xbox 360, how many people did you know with one before march of 2006, hell i knew one person with an xbox 360 up untill may. infact, i didnt even see a 360 in stores untill may. This will just make it a lot easier for japan and north american releases. Also, anyone know how many xboxes were released in each of the teratories? just curious
Joined 29 Jul 2004
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 00:52
warbaby wrote:

Us being naive? How about you being a complete tool. For one, Sony doesn't really have all that much to translate... at all. Big deal, change the language on the interface. And you speak of the US, but forget about North America as a whole. Generally speaking there are 3 main languages. That being English, Spanish, and French.

And if you think the launch is being held up due to language differences, then you my friend are naive.

No, i do not believe language differences are the reason why it's delayed, it just happened to be one of the things that came to mind at the time as to why Europe always happens to be third. I guess it just happens to be easier to leave us till last due to additional difficulties with releasing a console, so much more work involved in releasing in a territory that has has so many different languages, retailers, currencies and slight cultural variations.
next time i post, i'll be sure to run by you a complete break down of every issue involved in the global release and marketing of the PS3, one can't simply offer a lone idea to the mix can they, my friend?
Blue Ray
Joined 11 Jan 2005
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 08:27

Bright, sharp, single blue laser diode seeks clueless corporate giant for sparkling data intercourse and world domination.

I'll bring the 5 million blue laser diodes, you bring 2m USD in used notes and Piña Colladas
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:14
Anyway you wont want one or the 1st or 2nd or maybe even 3rd batch of PS3's!... they'll all crash f**k up & have disc read error's! they couldn't even get DVD right in the PS2! i had to have 4 PS2's before i got 1 that worked..... & still the laser was s**t so when u were watching a film you got lip sync problems.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:21
not to mentin the 1st and 2nd batch of games are gonna be utter s**te, it will be a good 2 - 3 years before anything half decent comes out for it
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:29
SCiARA wrote:
not to mentin the 1st and 2nd batch of games are gonna be utter s**te, it will be a good 2 - 3 years before anything half decent comes out for it

It's unfair to point that squarely at PS3 - pretty much every launch is backed by a poor line up. I thought the launch titles for 360 were on the whole disappointing; only PGR managed to pique my interest, but that waned quickly - it is only a shinier, higher res MSR after all.

I think Wii has the best prospect for good launch titles; it's reputed to be very much like developing for Gamecube, flattening the learning curve and increasing developer output.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:35
config wrote:
It's unfair to point that squarely at PS3 - pretty much every launch is backed by a poor line up. I thought the launch titles for 360 were on the whole disappointing; only PGR managed to pique my interest, but that waned quickly - it is only a shinier, higher res MSR after all.

It would be unfair if it was the only thing, but going by the promises made before the PS2 launch + the utter dribble that has been spouted since E3 05 for the PS3 (tech demos, specs, dates, controllers) + the "me too" attitude Sony has adopted I wouldn’t call it unfair...

I also believe Wii will have a stunning line up and hope Nintendo do extremely well - i'll be seriously considering getting one
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 10:07
I'm really into what Nintendo are doing with the Wii, its interesting & innovative & at that price level i'm sure i'll be stumbling home drunk one night only to wake up the next day 2 find a new Wii console & a copy of Red Steel magically under my telly!.....
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