PS3 worldwide ship in November 2006

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Topic started: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:51
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Joined 29 Sep 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:50
yeah, though are they going to whack 3 generations of ps in one machine? that would be cool and almost comparable to the insaneness of the revolutions back compatability.

I have to say that despite being overly sceptical of anything Sony says, this press release hints at exciting stuff. Hopefully their online component will force MS to up a gear with live and make those little changes that stop live being a truly great service.
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 17:24
Sony is bullish again, and you should not believe them about the 100% compatibility.

The PS2 could play PS1 games because the PS1 component was embedded inside the PS2 as the IO processor, thus the compatibility was there.

However when they reduced cost for the PS2Two and embedded everything inside one processor they lost the 100% compatibility for some PS1 game.

For the PS3 they will not embed PS2 components, it is publick information that they recruited a team to make emulators: PS1 for PSP and PS2 for PS3.

It will be emulated. But then to garantee 100% compatibility with an emulator is simply rubbish.

Again Sony should be punished for its lies.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:01
Anonymous2006 wrote:
However when they reduced cost for the PS2Two and embedded everything inside one processor they lost the 100% compatibility for some PS1 game.

Almost true, they lost the 100% with the original PS2, they just slipped further with the slimline. The thing is, with the PS2 the games that weren't compatible were not all that popular, with the 360, Microsoft missed a lot of popular and recent XBox games.

Anonymous2006 wrote:
Again Sony should be punished for its lies.

Anybody should be punished for lying, but then you'd be punishing everybody. However, in this case, how about you wait until Sony actually release the PS3 to see if they have lied about its capabilities instead of just assuming you know better than them?

When the PS2 lost some compatibility with the PS1 Sony announced it up front and listed the games. They've played it fairly straight in the past as regards compatibility, no reason to assume they are bullshitting now.
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:41
tyrion wrote:
When the PS2 lost some compatibility with the PS1 Sony announced it up front and listed the games. They've played it fairly straight in the past as regards compatibility, no reason to assume they are bullshitting now.

They will use an emulator and claim 100% compatibility. Knowing Sony's track record of poor software designs and implementation. I am seriously sceptical about their bullish claims.

I agree with you there is no way to be sure. But based on previous Sony deliveries, my choice is not to believe them.

They even did not manage to code their rootkit properly :D lol

Joined 20 Dec 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 20:00
and don't forget some games needed hardware to be played too. As far as I can see the PS3 has no controller ports for the old stuff.

I'm not really that interested in PS3. I don't care about high def movies and son on. I bought a lot of dvds when they were new(ish) and I never watch them. Why do I care about buying them again!

I don't expect the console to cost that much though. It might be higher than the 360 but the point about psp is a good one.
That online plan sounds a bit more promising. sony seemed to have no plan.
so we have a date and an outline. I'm waiting on the controller and some games.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 21:03
This is the reason I keep my consoles and don't sell them off, becausse when they say the next machine will run that game plus more, so far this hasn't been really true. I hope Nintendo stick to their promise of such.

I still have my PS1 and I bet I'll still have my PS2 for a long time too. This is the only way to be sure all you games collection will run.

I do like the sound of the free online plan, because if Sony and Nintendo do it this way MS might also fall in line for a non payment system. That't the way it should be since gaming is gonna get more expensive with PS3 and 360.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 21:08
Joji wrote:
This is the reason I keep my consoles and don't sell them off, becausse when they say the next machine will run that game plus more, so far this hasn't been really true. I hope Nintendo stick to their promise of such.

I still have my PS1 and I bet I'll still have my PS2 for a long time too. This is the only way to be sure all you games collection will run.

plus they look so super nerdy cool on the corner shelf in my living room... my whole collection from coleco though to the dream cast... xbox,cube, and 360 are still hooked up.

soem day id like to get crazy componenet switching set up and have em all more easly playable though.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 06:44
LUPOS wrote:
soem day id like to get crazy componenet switching set up and have em all more easly playable though.

Just say the word and I'll get all the switchboxes and line amplifiers and signal splitters you need. I am how they say, "hooked up".

As for Anonymous, we should hail him as king! He's the only one who continously makes all of laugh with his misinformation.

As for this whole "Sony's up to their old tricks again...", just shut it kids. Remember it was Nintendo who dropped the ball on the CD add-on for the Super Nintendo. The whole "project reality" fizzled and Sony had only one choice, to create their own game system. They've succeeded twice now. Put themselves on top. And we have a great wide selection of games to show for it.

Sure they made a hard to program for system (PS2), fell through on some promises (actually can't think of any key examples right now but I'll give that they have had some flubs), and their online system is a joke, but Sony rules. Sony took the cool torch from Sega and is running full speed.

If your gonna be a Sony hater at least recognize that no one wanted Microsoft in the game, no one wanted Microsoft to buy out Bungie (I was happy with Myth 1,2,3 and having Halo only on the PC and MAC), and no one wanted the Xbox 1 for a few years (no games = s**t system folks). At least Sony had decent line ups.

Destruction Derby, Loaded, Jumpin' Flash, Wipeout, and Warhawk for PS1

Tekken Tournament Tag, SSX, DOA2: Hardcore, Dynasty Warriors 2 for PS2

Those are not bad lineups.

Show me what XBox and 360 have better and I'll shut up. And Halo doesn't count because they had to buy that out.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:48
Anonymous2006 wrote:
They will use an emulator and claim 100% compatibility. Knowing Sony's track record of poor software designs and implementation. I am seriously sceptical about their bullish claims.

Sorry, what track record is that? I'm having a hard time thinking of a Sony software product that has such poor software designs and implementations as to garner public attention and mistrust. All the in-house Sony produced games I've seen have been good to excellent. The PSP firmware is really quite good, a few bugs and holes, but then you expect that and they close them quickly. Hell, even the PS2's operating system is so good you never even think about it.

Anonymous2006 wrote:
They even did not manage to code their rootkit properly :D lol

Now we know you are a fanboy of some other system, or just a Sony hater.

The whole root kit fiasco has as much to do with SCEI as the Rodney King affair has with the NYPD. Sure the LAPD and the NYPD are both American police forces, but that's a thin link there.

Sony BMG, a join venture of Sony and BMG, sourced a DRM scheme from a third party. That DRM scheme turned out to be a root kit that opened PCs up to invasion by hackers. Sony BMG checked with their third party supplier and passed on the message that there was nothing wrong. When it was obvious there actually was something wrong, Sony BMG then issued a fix, from the third party, that made things worse. Sony BMG then issued a removal tool that worked and offered to replace discs and give free downloads to people who were affected.

Sounds like a Sony joint venture was shafted by a third party supplier and then moved to sort things out. The worst you can say about it is that Sony BMG should have checked out the software themselves before deploying it. However, that's why you use a supposedly experienced third party supplier, because you don't know how to do it yourself.

Nothing to do with SCEI, little to do with Sony in general, unfortunate for Sony BMG and so much cheap fodder for Sony haters on the web.
Joined 18 Jan 2004
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:53
Anonymous2006 wrote:
They even did not manage to code their rootkit properly :D lol

Just a quick note, if you are referring to their copy protection system on audio CD's, it was not Sony who programed it, it was a UK company called First 4 Internet using the XCP software which they created.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:54
vault,the only reason sony have succeded,is because of idiotic casual gamers who think they know stuff about games bcuz they have GTA and read the bcak covers of games. but in reality,they dont know s**t.
Joined 29 Sep 2005
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 15:05
vault 13 wrote:

As for this whole "Sony's up to their old tricks again...", just shut it kids. Remember it was Nintendo who dropped the ball on the CD add-on for the Super Nintendo. The whole "project reality" fizzled and Sony had only one choice, to create their own game system. They've succeeded twice now. Put themselves on top. And we have a great wide selection of games to show for it.

Sure they made a hard to program for system (PS2), fell through on some promises (actually can't think of any key examples right now but I'll give that they have had some flubs), and their online system is a joke, but Sony rules. Sony took the cool torch from Sega and is running full speed.

Emotion engine are the words you're looking for, Sony will never be able to live that one down.

Definately muchos kudos to Sony for being in the position they are and for generating enough developer interest to create their impressive catalogue of games.

However just because Sony is the current market leader doesn't mean that they will automatically be a good choice for this next generation.

"Sony took the cool torch from Sega and is running full speed."

What happened to sega again? Anyway I see no indication of the full speed just yet.

With regards to the launch/lineup titles, Halo does count because firstly (and most importantly) its on the xbox and secondly it is sufficiently removed from the orignal rts that it was going to be on the mac (with rideable dinosaurs no less) as to be a whole different game - albeit with a similar background content.

Whether I can name any other truly great launch titles? no not really. I guess geometry wars probably doesn't count because its not full price retail. Neither does PDZ because MS bought RARE. Ditto with Kameo. Does condemned count? PGR 3?

Granted none of these are the real deal AAA titles that you'd want to see your system at launch. But I could also argue that no one was really impressed by anything on the ps2 until gta3 came out. I'd have to say that the ps2 line up listed was good at best. Nothing amazing. So kinda similar to most launches then? And it will probably be a similar case with the ps3 launch, except there'll be tried and tested decent games like Fight Night Round 3 and Condemned available closer to launch day.
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 15:41
tyrion wrote:
Sorry, what track record is that? I'm having a hard time thinking of a Sony software product that has such poor software designs and implementations as to garner public attention and mistrust. All the in-house Sony produced games I've seen have been good to excellent ... Hell, even the PS2's operating system is so good you never even think about it.

I was not talking about Sony's games. But about Sony's machine software.

- PSP features, look at the poor features of 1.0, 2.5 is better but still far from what they could have provided.
- The all-in-one white box PS2 which could play medias, record dvds, and which flopped. Did not have half the features they promised.
- Sony's other consumer device products: audio player, cameras, etc. Software is far to be great.

tyrion wrote:
Now we know you are a fanboy of some other system, or just a Sony hater.

This was a joke :D And shown me that even with smileys jokes do not go well online :D As someone else mentionned it's not even Sony, but XCP who coded it. And as you said it is Sony/BMG.

Regarding the track record though, I encompass Sony as a whole. Sony is generally not known for good software engineering.

And on a personal note, I am not a Sony hater, I like Sony, I like my PS2 and my 60 original games, but I hate corporate lies and bullshit.

I do not even have an XBOX and do not plan to buy a 360. So I am not a M$ fan either.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:05
Anonymous2006 wrote:

Regarding the track record though, I encompass Sony as a whole. Sony is generally not known for good software engineering.

I don't know much about Sony's software engineering, however the Cell programming model and basic tool chain were developed by IBM who have exceptional software engineering ability.

Cell development kits and details on Cell programming techniques are already available to developers.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:30
thane_jaw wrote:
Emotion engine are the words you're looking for, Sony will never be able to live that one down.

Live down what? A marketing buzz word used to indicate that the PS2 is going to usher in a new generation of gaming and graphics (we all know Sega did that first with the Dreamcast but anyway...).

thane_jaw wrote:
What happened to sega again? Anyway I see no indication of the full speed just yet.

Uhhh, how many Dreamcast games are being produced now. Sony trounced them for better or worse.

thane_jaw wrote:
With regards to the launch/lineup titles, Halo does count because firstly (and most importantly) its on the xbox and secondly it is sufficiently removed from the orignal rts that it was going to be on the mac (with rideable dinosaurs no less) as to be a whole different game - albeit with a similar background content.

RTS? It's was going to be multiplayer massive online battles, maybe even a persistent world. No RTS and definitely no dinosaurs. You obviously didn't see the bagillion videos online or watch the Halo 2 special disc and see how similar the game is and was to the Xbox versions. If you want to attribute the game looking better and more polished just because Billy G. bought them out, you're wrong. If BIll Gates bought me out, I'm not going to magically produce good games for him. Bungie was doing fine with Myth 1,2,3 and the most likely release of Halo on PC and Mac.

thane_jaw wrote:
Whether I can name any other truly great launch titles? no not really. I guess geometry wars probably doesn't count because its not full price retail. Neither does PDZ because MS bought RARE. Ditto with Kameo. Does condemned count? PGR 3?

See right there, it proves my point that Microsoft had to STRUGGLE to get people to develop for their system. No one, developer or consumer wanted them into the mix. They had to buy out and convince japanese developers that the XBox is a worthwhile system to work on. I will admit and say that Microsoft's push for gaming standards (720p, 5.1 sound) is ultimately good. But obviously done to say their games have an edge over others because all of their games do this and have that standard.

thane_jaw wrote:
Granted none of these are the real deal AAA titles that you'd want to see your system at launch. But I could also argue that no one was really impressed by anything on the ps2 until gta3 came out. I'd have to say that the ps2 line up listed was good at best. Nothing amazing. So kinda similar to most launches then? And it will probably be a similar case with the ps3 launch, except there'll be tried and tested decent games like Fight Night Round 3 and Condemned available closer to launch day.

Ummm Twisted Metal Black, SSX, SSX: Tricky, Gran Turismo 3, Ace Combat 4, ICO, Kolona 2, Zone of the Enders just to name a few.

Remember ICO is regarded as one of the best games of all time and I agree.

Xbox didn't have anything for at least a year after worth buying or even to get me to think about buying it.

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