Bach Dismisses Analysts – Bullish About 360 in Japan

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Topic started: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:37
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Joined 2 Feb 2005
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 20:33
Live... Live is a funhouse. That sort of stuff happens on Counterstrike, Quake 2 and 3, et al on PC. You expect any less on Live? I've found it to be 60/40 most days. You have to pick your games; Forza is quite civilised, Mechassault is too, in fact the older games are because frankly it's usually the players who are there because they just got the game and/or know it's what everyone plays that spoil it. Halo 2 suffers because frankly it's what everybody plays. Counterstrike suffers due to infamy.

Yes, and I can't bloody stand it. What is it with people? Give them anonymity and a mic and they turn into massive f**king arseholes. I played CS:Source the other day and I had forgotten that the typical stereotype of CS players was actually true. I thought it was a joke and seeing as I hadn't played the game for a while I had kind of forgotten. Some people are just arseholes, but it seems that in most online games, everyone is. I like Live, but only if I'm playing with some friends, everyone else are just irritating as hell.

all these articles are about NY alone that has 50000 homeless people on the streets and again u have never been to japan....i am in USA at the moment and i have been there many get to earn a lot of money there compared to what u earn in US...although living is expensive there...just shut....7 trillion dollars...a number to ponder about

I think that this guy needs help. Seriously. Or is it a joke?

Myself and many others will look at 360 and think what games can I identify with 360. The only game that has convinced me to bag a 360 is Dead Rising and that is from Capcom. Capcom are japanese so I have a good idea of the quality of game I'm gonna get. Many of my games will be japanese for 360.

I don't tend to look at any particularly nationality for my games, although taking a quick look through my collection, most of them are Japanese I think. Not all, but quite a large share. And that's just by chance.
Joined 20 May 2004
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:05
For me, the big draw of 360 is games like Condemned and Prey, games that are changing the way games are played and doing it with some things never done before in realtime. The titles coming out of Japan look pretty neat, but I am still a major fan of games like Fable, Perfect Dark et al - and not out of some xenophobic will to up the profile of these home-grown games, but because genuinely I prefer them.

The issue of power comparison is very funny; many companies who are working both sides say the gap is insignificant, and naturally companies loyal to one say theirs is better. From what I can glean from various places, the lack of discernable gap is due to the graphics; by the time the PS3 launches at the Q3 stage of next year, Nvidia will have a graphics card of comparible quality out, and apparently the new SLI boards when twinned give about the same performance. The ATI board in the 360, like the Flipper in the Gamecube, is way ahead of its time; ATI reckon it will take at least 2-3 years to make it to PC. Not only that, but the ATI chip is an integral part; like the Cube chip, it is very much a part of the system, whereas the Nvidia chip runs alongside CELL. I find it odd Sony have taken this approach, and many are saying it may be the chink in its armour. I guess we will see when both are playable; til then, we're all just feeding rumours.

The fact there's still frothing over SPOnG's terming of Japan as xenophobic amuses me. Americans love US games - US game comapnies make what they want, that's why. Same for Japan, but Japan has the hardware too, and always has. Now these outsider Americans come with their "laughable" machines... and then people get pissy about them being branded xenophobic.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:59
nasim007 wrote:

again you bastard american 200 000 people were turned homeless in USA
here are the maps of people living in one of the poorest nation which has 7 trillion dollars in debt

i am an american
i am not a bastard... and at no point will you ever find me commeneding the actions of my government... i am disgusted on a daily basis by teh actions of the "leaders" of my home. they are a bunch of homophoibic classist slime.

that said... i never said other wise... infact a few posts ago a mentioned how silly i thought nationalism was... you are just trying to switch topics whenever you are proven wrong... you acuse me of lying aboutthere being homeless in japan and when i prove that iw as there and that you are wrong you asault the homeless population in my country a statistic i was not defending. your the worst kind of person, runnign aroudn with strong ideals and weak ideas... no one should feel so strongly about somethign they dont know about... else you become a zealot and blow yourself up in a subway... and im still waiting on that apology for calling me a liar...

Joined 29 Jul 2005
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:17
fluffstardx wrote:
For me, the big draw of 360 is games like Condemned and Prey, games that are changing the way games are played and doing it with some things never done before in realtime. The titles coming out of Japan look pretty neat, but I am still a major fan of games like Fable, Perfect Dark et al - and not out of some xenophobic will to up the profile of these home-grown games, but because genuinely I prefer them.

The issue of power comparison is very funny; many companies who are working both sides say the gap is insignificant, and naturally companies loyal to one say theirs is better. From what I can glean from various places, the lack of discernable gap is due to the graphics; by the time the PS3 launches at the Q3 stage of next year, Nvidia will have a graphics card of comparible quality out, and apparently the new SLI boards when twinned give about the same performance. The ATI board in the 360, like the Flipper in the Gamecube, is way ahead of its time; ATI reckon it will take at least 2-3 years to make it to PC. Not only that, but the ATI chip is an integral part; like the Cube chip, it is very much a part of the system, whereas the Nvidia chip runs alongside CELL. I find it odd Sony have taken this approach, and many are saying it may be the chink in its armour. I guess we will see when both are playable; til then, we're all just feeding rumours.

The fact there's still frothing over SPOnG's terming of Japan as xenophobic amuses me. Americans love US games - US game comapnies make what they want, that's why. Same for Japan, but Japan has the hardware too, and always has. Now these outsider Americans come with their "laughable" machines... and then people get pissy about them being branded xenophobic.

all developers have said that the ps3 is 2x/4x more powerful than x360....i justed posted ibm's artcle as well as spyrtek's interview....218 gflops compared to 37-45 company except MS ever said that x360 has the same power as ps3...and note IBM made x360's cpu as well....yes we would have RSX being overtaken by pc video cards...but it would take years for intel and amd to reach the 200+ gflops margin...they might never reach there at all....famitsu magazine has said that sony plans to relase a 100 ghz cell in 4/5 years time during the launch of ps4....they have plans to bring a 100 spe cell into is not impossible considering the power of the cell which is 10/15 times more power than xenos/anything available in the market
Joined 29 Jul 2005
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:23
nasim007 wrote:
fluffstardx wrote:
For me, the big draw of 360 is games like Condemned and Prey, games that are changing the way games are played and doing it with some things never done before in realtime. The titles coming out of Japan look pretty neat, but I am still a major fan of games like Fable, Perfect Dark et al - and not out of some xenophobic will to up the profile of these home-grown games, but because genuinely I prefer them.

The issue of power comparison is very funny; many companies who are working both sides say the gap is insignificant, and naturally companies loyal to one say theirs is better. From what I can glean from various places, the lack of discernable gap is due to the graphics; by the time the PS3 launches at the Q3 stage of next year, Nvidia will have a graphics card of comparible quality out, and apparently the new SLI boards when twinned give about the same performance. The ATI board in the 360, like the Flipper in the Gamecube, is way ahead of its time; ATI reckon it will take at least 2-3 years to make it to PC. Not only that, but the ATI chip is an integral part; like the Cube chip, it is very much a part of the system, whereas the Nvidia chip runs alongside CELL. I find it odd Sony have taken this approach, and many are saying it may be the chink in its armour. I guess we will see when both are playable; til then, we're all just feeding rumours.

The fact there's still frothing over SPOnG's terming of Japan as xenophobic amuses me. Americans love US games - US game comapnies make what they want, that's why. Same for Japan, but Japan has the hardware too, and always has. Now these outsider Americans come with their "laughable" machines... and then people get pissy about them being branded xenophobic.

all developers have said that the ps3 is 2x/4x more powerful than x360....i justed posted ibm's artcle as well as spyrtek's interview....218 gflops compared to 37-45 company except MS ever said that x360 has the same power as ps3...and note IBM made x360's cpu as well....yes we would have RSX being overtaken by pc video cards...but it would take years for intel and amd to reach the 200+ gflops margin...they might never reach there at all....famitsu magazine has said that sony plans to relase a 100 ghz cell in 4/5 years time during the launch of ps4....they have plans to bring a 100 spe cell into is not impossible considering the power of the cell which is 10/15 times more power than xenos/anything available in the market

the cell alone is more powerful than the gpu and cpu of x360...and ofcourse RSX is superior to r500...see the leaked out specs on hardshell..and also ps3 uses yDRAM rather than eDRAM..rsx has texture bandwidth and filtering rate of 47.8 and 13.0 compared to 22 and 8.0 for r500.....r500 is a cheaply made product and the unified thing is irrelevant...every thing looks garbage due to the power of the cell...which has power to act as a gpu as well
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:33
da ngage is 'as 30000 terrflops of datah and it is amasin...u is idiot!
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 22:52
Pilot13 wrote:
da ngage is 'as 30000 terrflops of datah and it is amasin...u is idiot!

FINALY! someone who knows what they are talkign about :)

Joined 2 Apr 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 02:05
Yep,that's why it's such a great country i'd like to visit someday if i get a chance...and maybe stay in the UK.I can imagine big Sony(PS3?) adverts all over Tokyo(Svend,LUPOS can you verify).Would really like to know how MS has prepared for the launch cos they got to keep their eyes turnin to keep the interest up.But X360's small pricetag might give gamers there a perception of inferiority.

2x/4x more powerful, ha, whatever man.Do you really think that matters when devs are struggling to stay operational!? If PS3 had 2x/4x lower production costs it would have been so much better as creating a game such as K3 is attainable, but who can afford it?Even Sony restructured its own studios as a result of higher production costs.

Graphics department is mature now and Nintendo is the only smart enough seeing controls as a priority.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 04:16
BustyKrusty wrote:
Yep,that's why it's such a great country i'd like to visit someday if i get a chance...and maybe stay in the UK.I can imagine big Sony(PS3?) adverts all over Tokyo(Svend,LUPOS can you verify).

my best possibel description of tokyo relies on new york for refference but its like... in NYC there is time square... its big... covered in TV screena d humongus billboards and is shoulder to shoulder people... all of tokyo is liek that... almost... every major train stop you get off at... bill board up the entire sides of buildings... enourmous screens all over.... i didnt know an over abundance of sony bill boards.... infact a great percenatg where probably asahi and other beverage co's... i think the countrys economy is one thrird electroncs, one third toys and one third beverages. i figure sony doesnt have "thath many" adds up simply because they dopnt need to... the game stoeres had little bitty signs that where just liek print outs of a pic of a 360 and the preorder packages... no large sections, no big signs, and no one stanidng aroudn looking at it or seeming all that interested unfortunatley.

i do think MS will do better this generation that last... but i certainly dont think they will break sony and nintenod... thankfully for them all they need is mild support there and to continue and increase there strong support else where and they coudl be in good shape... a great many of those 90million ps2 where sold in the states and euope where there is no lack of interest in the 360.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sun, 18 Sep 2005 07:17
Nasim007 I have something for you explain why when i ask my 2yr old niece which is more powerfull the xbox 360, nintendo revolution, or the PS3, she says the revo is and she realy knows how to back up her opinion with logic and her astounding ability to tell the difference between fact and opinion.

oh and all your answers must be submited with atleast one complete thought achieved throughout the whole thing.
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