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Topic started: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:10
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vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 05:58
GRAAAHHAAAHHH!!! Where's my new icon!? GRAGAAGAGGAHHHHAHHH!!!! The post just doesn't have the ooompfh that it should with the mayor of Metro City leering down on the post. DAMN YOU SPONG AND YOUR FLAWED FORUM CODE!!! I yell because I love, I do, I really do. GRAAHAHAHHHHAAAHHH!!! See? Love. All love.
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 06:35
forget comparing the specs of xbox and gamecube and ps2.
compare this.

can you think of a single xbox game that had bold visuals and stood out from the crowd.Something along the lines of Viewtiful Joe. Zelda: wind waker or Killer 7?

the closest I can think of was JetSetRadio Future.
Apart from that I can't think of anything else.

my point being. it doesn't matter about polygons or pixel fill rates or shaders. It's about style. and good artwork.
Look at Mario 64 DS compared to the N64 original. I'm sure the N64 one has more polygons. it definitely has a more rounded feel to everything. I know that the DS lacks a lot of the features the N64 had in terms of texture filters and stuff but I found the DS one a lot more fluid.
Better special effects?
More polygons?
Better hardware?
Or just more polished artwork?
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 07:56
vault 13 wrote:

P.S. The Gamecube is a fine system with some muscle to match but grossly underpowered compared to an X-Box. Hell, the PS2 beats it out in raw polygon counts!

I don't think it is underpowered. It's as least as powerful as the Xbox, and the games are so much better. Compare Metroid Prime with most Xbox games, and in my eyes Prime looks better.

At the end of the day it's all in the games, and that's the one thing Nintendo haven't showed us.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 18 May 2005 07:57
vault 13 wrote:
GRAAAHHAAAHHH!!! Where's my new icon!? GRAGAAGAGGAHHHHAHHH!!!! The post just doesn't have the ooompfh that it should with the mayor of Metro City leering down on the post. DAMN YOU SPONG AND YOUR FLAWED FORUM CODE!!! I yell because I love, I do, I really do. GRAAHAHAHHHHAAAHHH!!! See? Love. All love.

Well I can see your new Avatar, so it may be that you should point your newly increased rage at the developer of your browser and their caching code!
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 08:41
vault 13 wrote:
GRAAAHHAAAHHH!!! Where's my new icon!?

Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 11:26
wanderingsoul wrote:
I skipped ahead to from the tech arguements to here to shut everyone up. Xbox 360: 3 3.2ghz CPUs. Revolution: 4 2.5ghz CPUs.

3 x 3.2 = 9.6

4x 2.5 = 10

What's more powerful now?

It doesn't work that way. If it did, companies would just pump 10 1ghz processors, which are dirt cheap, rather than 3.2 or 2.5. You need to look at the whole package, including (and especially) how the different monster chips communicate with one another, since that will likely be the largest bottleneck for the generation.

I'll say it here: I mostly play XBox. I like the system. I also have a Gamecube. The best looking game I have is Res Evil 4. In my opinion though, the controlers for the 'Cube aren't as satisfying as the S-Controller. So any multiplatform release I wanted I got for the Big Black Box. I wouldn't say one system has better graphics than the other, it's all about what game is on what system.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 11:47
wanderingsoul wrote:
I skipped ahead to from the tech arguements to here to shut everyone up. Xbox 360: 3 3.2ghz CPUs. Revolution: 4 2.5ghz CPUs.

More likely 1x1.8GHz.

In my opinion though, the controlers for the 'Cube aren't as satisfying as the S-Controller. So any multiplatform release I wanted I got for the Big Black Box. I wouldn't say one system has better graphics than the other, it's all about what game is on what system.

LOL, I can't stand the XB controllers ;).
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 14:34
vault 13 wrote:
soanso wrote:
The Revolution is a lot prettier than I was expecting and has some interesting features going on...

P.S. The Gamecube is a fine system with some muscle to match but grossly underpowered compared to an X-Box. Hell, the PS2 beats it out in raw polygon counts!

excuse me, but you may need to shut up before that acid you are taking wear off. first off, the only reason X-box were selling is because of the internet play. no once never experiance internet play without computers and out of 200 games for the x-box only about a handfull were good (and not good to be a 10). one of those i can say is Halo 1 (halo 2 was full of s**t like you). and the other one were D.O.A ultimate (graphically, it were o.k). and as for the PS2, come on dog, no one could f**k with the PS2, you have over 500 games and over 200 were top notch, but graphically it couldn't f**k with Gamecube and X-box. soulcalibur 2 of the gamecube outsold x-box and ps2 combine (read the figure....IDIOT).now gamecube has over 300 games and more than half were top notch (is the drug wearing off yet?). and for the other guy who talk about looks, dude, (to much masterbating could make you go bling.......surgeon general says so)looks do not make a system, it's what's inside, plain and simple nintendo did not have the specs ready because they needed to see what the rest got first to do better, i guarantee you that x-box 360 and ps2 specs is going to be a little less when they actually have it amended. what ever nintendo is doing now, they are doing it right, they still have 4 more days at we'll see.

do not push me, you'll be the apithamy of catching wreck.....
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 14:38
wanderingsoul wrote:
I skipped ahead to from the tech arguements to here to shut everyone up. Xbox 360: 3 3.2ghz CPUs. Revolution: 4 2.5ghz CPUs.

WAKE UP, WAKE UP, it's time to go to school. dude stop dreaming. nintendo "speculation" is not going to be that powerfull, Ps3 is raining champion again.

Human power, Human power.....oohhh snipe did you see over man
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 15:30
where do you get this? nintendo hasn't talked specs yet. you have no idea how many chips it'll have or how powerful they'll be. and for the record, "two to three times as powerful as a GameCube" does NOT approach next generation Xbox or PlayStation tech.
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 18:16
sorry to burst you'll bubble, but the kaplan lady for the "Revolution" system made a mistake by saying it's 2-3 times more powerful than gamecube. the actual figure is 20-30 times more powerful than the gamecube. that what you get when you put a women in charge for public speaking. think about it, how can you download 20years of nintendo games on a 3 times more powerfull system. also, how can you give publisher an unlimited variety of space to make beautiful games and Square-Enix has already begun makeing games for "Revolution" and they even said it's beyond any system that's coming out now. nintendo re-iterate that their is no way possible that they would bring a system only 3 times more powerful than it's current system. that's like puting 3 gamecube into one.....well now you have it guy's, it's 20-30 more powerful than gamecube. that's why they laugh at x-box 360 specs.

ladies, just need to stay in the house and cook...sorry mommy, it wasn't me that said that.....
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 18:39
for the other guy who talk about looks,
looks do not make a system, it's what's inside

Yeah I mentioned looks and here's why.
When Gamecube was released I read so many comments from people saying "urgh it's purple, it's got a handle, it looks like a system made for kids, it looks like a handbag"
And in comparisons between the PSP and the DS I've read so many mentions of how beautiful the PSP is and how cheap looking the DS is.

It's not just about what's inside. looks matter a hell of a lot. Out of the 3 consoles, revolution looks by far the sleekest, and it's down to little detail like how it sits at an angle so the discs will roll into it like a coin into a slot machine or how the ports are hidden under a flap.

Does any of this matter?

for Nintendo

Yes it does.
It's not going to give them any advantage over anyone else but it does mean that they aren't going to get dismissed like they did before as being "kiddie".
And having that sort of attention to small details didn't do Apple any harm now did it?
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 19:53
i find it all to hilarious... yu sony fanboys are too much for me. the PS2 is an overhyped machine, i dont own a PS2, but i get the games on my PC 'for free'. allota my buddes have the PS2, and more than i can count, have all 3 consoles. They all got the Cube first, PS2 was around the same time, and once they all got X-box and live, i never saw any of them again... Live took them over. i dont have live, do have an x-brick thoe.

Now what im trying to say is, i have played all 3 consoles for extended periods of time, i enjoyed all 3 of them, and by bashing one or the other, i miss out on waaay too much. the reason i dont buy consoles really is becuz of the price, i cant afford to buy 3 consoles that EA will release repetitive sports games for each console every year.

the PS3 looks nice, visually, but i mean it had better be lookin nice. its been in dev for over 6 years. im not a big fan of its look, kinda looks like an 80's retro toaster.

im kinda driftin off topic... the Rev looks nice as it is, but its supposedly gonna get smaller. its making me drool, at heart im a ninty guy, ive been waiting for nintendo to get it rite again, and take back what is ritefully theirs. if the Rev is under 300 bux, and the PS3, with all its new techno crap, is like 800... who in the rite mind, other than fanboys and rich nerds, are gonna get a PS3.

i may finally buy a NEW console, i cant wait to have Donkey Kong from SNES, Smash bros 64, and new zelda game all on one system.

Heres to hoping ninty can do it good. do it realll good.
Joined 8 Apr 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 21:29
MoSys, supplier for the Revolution's 1T-SRAM, has indicated that Nintendo's next-generation console is targeted for a mid-2006 launch.

Further, some key specs for the machine were
According to the site, the console will boast four 2.5Ghz IBM G5 Custom cores, with 128KB of level 1 cache and a 512KB shared level 2 cache, while the graphics will be powered by a dual core ATI RN520 chipset, with 16MB of on-board eDRAM for the frame buffer. specs at a tad more research than relying on Nintendo's shrouded E3 conference.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 21:34
I skimmed over the thread as it was 'nintendo's better''sonys better' blah blah.

I wanted to draw some parallels, Nintendo basically won the 8 and 16 bit generations, but when the next generation it released the most powerful machine, 64 bit whilst everyone was using 32 bits, but got screwed over. Now Sony has dominated two generations, the PS3 is clearly the most powerful as raw power goes...

Anything can happen I think...

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