Robbie Bach Exposes Stunning Catalogue of Microsoft Lies

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Topic started: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 14:36
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 16:14
WOW! i knew that would inspire some comment but i thought most of them woudl prove how Assigning my comments about a game i havent play where. I basically stood in front of your weird little gun hand thing and asked you to shoot me and 10 new comments later, barely anything of worth. Bravo people...

I'll try and orginize this as best as possible and keep my insults aimed squarly at the reatrds who chose to insult me rather than ingage in a worth while dialog.

Vault13 wrote:
Whatever the reason is that you can't f**king adapt to a new control scheme now matter how much you hate it, does not mean you should bash it for being different.

i never said i couldnt do it, i just dont tyhin i should have to, there is nothign that control scheme offers that couldnt be done with standard fps controls and yet no one minds that they just left an option out. I understand why they chose the scheme they did, most of their consumers are under the 10, but that doesnt mean they coudlnt have given me the choice. I know i would have liked to play more of the game but i was initially put offf by the fact that they wanted to force me to play a certain way. Go ask any good FPS player out there how they play halo, i bet you no one who is winning any tournaments is playing it legacy style but Bungie was smart enough to put the option in. This was nintendo secodn chance to fix what was obviously a problem and they didn't do it.

Also, i have yet to find the game you beet me at on a regular basis so your little assumption that i can learn to play it is just pathetic, i woop you at halo, i usually beat you at soul calibur, your pretty damn good at ssx but i would say we are about even, and i cant think fo any other decent competitive games we play, OH excpet mario party, which you do tend to win, maybe ill get you a trophy for that.

claudioalex wrote:
Fortunatly for you its not a boring game so you can spend this year and the next one playng your only Halo 2

I didnt say it was all i was going to play or even all i have to look forward to, what i said was that i "COULD" play nothing but halo2 for the next year and still have fun. you get that same value out of prime? download new levels? play mulitplayer online? or just spend the 20 hr game wanderign pack and forth through room after room and enjoy reaidn gabout all the cute animals and how there are like fire an ice versions of the same animal. Boy nobody has ever doen that before, except maybe in f**king mario3 where there where different colord turtles that could do differnt thing! Freaking inovative genius! you know almost ever side scrollign game in the history of games has used repeated charcter with ddiffernt colors that coudl do different things, this is not inovation in any sense. HELL the damn ninja turtles arecade game had me beating the tar out of the same foot soldier the entire game, accept soem coudl jump, some had guns, some took more damage. Repeating charters models through different environments isnt exactly somethign to brag about.

Adam M wrote:
Prime is a game of exploration. Yes, you go in a shoot a few things, but then you must backtrack, remmeber where you've been, look for new and hidden openings. Prime has much more depth than the ultra-shallow Halo.

I understand fine. What you dont understand is all i want is the f**kign option to play how i want! and the DS is proff positive that ti plays just fine with two sticks. Halo has like a total of 20 different controll layouts, even options for left handed peopel who preffer things reversed. Nintendo is a buncha stubborn ass holes who are trying to force me to play a certain way and because of that they lost a sale.

Adam M also wrote:
I would give Halo and II 5/10. They're average, no worst, no better. It's not an excellent game - it's got standard gameplay and no innovation at all anywhere but are bearable if you get along with the controls.

no inovation? dual weapons was an inovation over the original and the way you switch between them is different than anyone has ever done before, yes in golden eye i could hold two pistols but it was just more option i had to scroll though. Vehical boarding? thats new to FPS's and much more well implimented than it is in GTA a game based on stealing cars. Not to mention the inclusion of vehicles in an fps to beging with was very inovative.


Adam M wrote:
But it's NOT the same 2 year old game! It has new levels etc etc. What would be the point of developing a new engine anyway? What would it acheive? Just add to the cost... You haven't moaned about Metroid and Super Metroid being similar, so why moan about Prime and Prime 2? What about Mario Bros. and Mario Bros. 2? People don't moan about those being similar. I don't see complaints from people about OoT and MM either?

Come to that HALO and HALO 2 are SIMILAR! The development time in these can't of been that great, especially with the "Recompile for Xbox" option M$ offers developers. C'mon.

You're also talking about articstic merit. What artistic merit does Halo have? Answer: None. We've seen those characters, objectives all before. Prime has new levels, enemies and looks. It creates atmosphere through graphics music and gameplay. Art.

Also you can get Prime for £30 from Amazon. Now will you buy it?

wow, ok metroid 1 and super metroid looked very very different, if super metroid looked leik the first nes version people woudl have been pissed as hell. Secondly, Mario and mario 2 are very different but that because mario two was originally a completly unrelated game that they just threw the mario charcters in to help it sell (not unliek what they did to starfox dinasur planet), not to mention that you just complelty left out Mario3 a game that is just enourmous and amazing comapred to anythign else on that sytem ever. MArio one isnt as bis as a 1/4 of mario 3 and doesnt look half as good. And i would bitch abotu sqaure enix, but thats mostly cause i dont like FF games, but they do go through the troubel of making each game they make look better, considering they are on their fourth game for the same system i impressed they mange to make it look better each time.And what the hell are you talkign about recompile for xbox? its not liek they are taking a game off the PC and recompiling it, halo2 is brand new from the ground up, different graphic sengine, different physics engine(which im nto happy about honestly, i miss ghost jumping) they didnt recompile s**t. Oh and lastly the point of creating a whole new engine is so that you can offer the sutomer the best possibel experience for their money, which is my entire point. video game reviews are ment for consumers to judge the worth whilenes of purchasing a particular game. Go look at a car magazine and see if they look for new features in new models, if i got a 2003 lexus why the crap would i posisbly by the 2004 unless its got somethign better in it? sure if i have unlimitted money i woudl do it just cause its new but we arent talkign about the filthy rich, we are talking about the average vide game player who cant just go and by every single game that comes out. They are doing you a favor by telling you that the graphics arent really much better than last time, and the control scheme is still unchangeable. if i thought for a second i coudl play metroid the way i wanted i woudl probably have it by now, but i am protesting their inability to allow the player to choose. ESEPCAILLY CONSIDERING THEY GIVE YOU MULTIPLE CHOICE ON HOW TO CONTOL THE DS VERSION WHO IS ESENTIALLY THE SAME GAME PLAY STYLE! are all you idiots who tell me that "they designed it to work with the kind o fgame so you should just get used to it" going to tell me you wont be the DS version cause it plays differently and there fore no as well? BULL S**T, your going to go and love everysecond of it and when it gets a 9.2 review you are going to bitch its not high enough just like you are now.

Arse McAdams wrote:
What's worse is that you've never even played any of the Metroid Prime titles, and even go so far as to more or less admit that you're too mentally inept to grasp what is ultimately an extremely well conceived control system.

You're a f**king idiot...

I SAID THE CONTROL SYSTEM IS FINE YOU ILITERATE F**KTARD! i just said i want the "OPTION" to play the other way because (for the 30th time) the DS has proven that the game plays just as well both ways. your dumb ass is to busy bending over and takign whatever crap nintendo wants to shove up it that you dont want to admit that there SHOULD BE AN OPTION FOR ME TO CONTROL IT HOW I WANT! WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?! Im sure its a good game, im sure for those who like it, its a fantastic game and i said before I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY IT, but they wont let me and im not goign to go though the troubel of learning there way they shoudl make it work for me I AM THE F**KING CUSTOMER! moron

and so far as my mental ineptitude, i would like to point out that at least i can comprehend english and understand infference, instead of just nit picking little blurbs and making them out to be more than they are. learn how to interact with other human beings you f**king tool, then maybe you owuld apreciate playing a game liek halo online with other people instead of living in your f**king moms basement with your all your fun single player nintendo games.

kid_77 wrote:
Obviously I can't agree with you on the gameplay. But in regards to innovation, well, you're right, I can't think of a breakthrough freature. But to dismiss a game purely for lacking this is pointless; if you play a game that you feel has been executed perfectly, you're hardly going to care.

first off, thank for not being retarded, you get to be on my list of worthwhile people, hell you may be the first. secondly i have to disagree. as i mentioned above halo2 does get credit for vehicle jacking in an fps, they did it better than games based ons tealign vehicles, the dual weilding is not only well exicuted it is done in a way that has not been done before. This isnt even counting the only 2 guns at once and vehicles form halo1 as both of those are huge inovatiosn and just damn good ideas.

SilverDogg wrote:
dont know who said it, but someone said that the two innovative things in halo was vehicles and two weapons. HELLO!! two weapons was NOT innovative. remember golden eye? two weapons. remember perfect dark? two weapons. so no, thats totally wrong.

hurray, another illiterate who lacks the ability to comprehend conversational english, YEAH! when halo having 2 guns as an inovation was discussed they where reffering to the fact that you can only hold two weapons at any given time there by allowing you to switch between them fatser and at the same tiem creating a deeper level of strategy in deciding which two weapons you want to hang on to for each part of the game.

thsi same reatrd also wrote:
halo only had one innovative thing, and that was the vehicles. and it still wasnt very fun in singleplayer. it bored me to death. still wanna try out multi though.

id rather spend money on buying quake (which is an the best fps ever made) than ever even think about halo. BLERGH!

hmmm so you havent tried multi and you are intrerested in doing so but your paper route doesnt afford you the luxury of owning 2 systems and your winning personality doesnt allo you the luxury of having friends who might own an xbox. Thats a shame.

kid_77 wrote:
Actually, the latest Unreal Tournament's have vehicles.

Ok, I've remembered one innovation! Melee attacks on opponents driving/flying vehicles, with a nice tasty grenade in the cockpit to boot!

but they did vehicles long after halo1 came out there by makign halo still inovative. and thank you for pointing out yet another of my favorite things about halo, the melee attack! that wasnt available in any other FPS's (that i know of), i realize games like quake had the opion to punch but that was only if you switched to it as a weapon, or ran out of all other ammo.

and this concludes todays episode of "lupos has too much free time at work", now get busy writing the same things over and over again so i can complain some more tomorrow, dont forget to tune in, same spong time, same spong channel!


EDIT: do i get a prize for longest post ever?
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 16:32
LUPOS is my very favourite poster* on these fora. Some of the time, he makes valid points, and some of the time, he seems like he's been smoking crack. And that unpredictability excites me.

Plus his spelling is always interesting. I mean, it takes a f**king genius to have a typo in our signature. In fact, I'm gonna get me one.

*Except for btnqueezy007 - but you don't see him around much these days.

Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 16:59
But why doesn't Halo give me the option to play like Prime then? I understand your point, but considering the style of game it is I don't think several control schemes would be appropriate.

You're going to have to get used to more of the same engines - it's the direction we're going. As EA said, it doesn't make commercial sense to "reinvent the wheel".

I'm going to accept some of your points, and agree to disagree if that's k with you :). Don't want to fall out.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 17:05
Adam M wrote:
As EA said, it doesn't make commercial sense to "reinvent the wheel".

But it would be nice if occasionally, they re-painted the wheel. Or released a nice alloy wheel. Or put new tyres on it.

EA bring out the same f**king wheel, year in, year out and just put a different number on it. NWA* Wheel 97, NWA Wheel 98. NWA Wheel 99, NWA Wheel2K, NWA Wheel 2001, NWA Wheel 2002, NWA Wheel 03, NWA Wheel Underground X.

*National Wheelmakers with Attitood Official Licenced product.
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 17:07
Feel the anti-Microsoft geeks in here... you can't get passed them. I'm so sorry but be honest, what did Microsoft ever do to YOU?

Nothing... So shut the f**k up whinging.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 17:11
Rod Todd wrote:

But it would be nice if occasionally, they re-painted the wheel. Or released a nice alloy wheel. Or put new tyres on it.

EA bring out the same f**king wheel, year in, year out and just put a different number on it. NWA* Wheel 97, NWA Wheel 98. NWA Wheel 99, NWA Wheel2K, NWA Wheel 2001, NWA Wheel 2002, NWA Wheel 03, NWA Wheel Underground X.

*National Wheelmakers with Attitood Official Licenced product.


I think EA take the biscuit for most reinventions of the wheel. The weird thing is that they do waste money reprogramming the wheel periodically.

You're so right though. Since 1993 we've had the same old boring games from EA, who have committed to follow the path of Evil Numerical Sequels followed by Random Letters and Words For When Numerical Sequels Get Boring. Prehaps that's why they can't create anything decent now :p.
Joined 15 Apr 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 19:05
Ok Ok i give you the reason LUPOS, so that i wont have to read your heavy letters.
I think that if you fight for Halo 2 like that, then the game has to be damn good in multiplayer of course, sadly i dont have many friends who can share with me a time to play. Thats why for me is boring to play Halo 2 alone.
In metroid i cant stop playing it, its adictive, cause the variaty of the game, you know the diferent visors, the strategy, the morphball, scanin to gather information so that you can beat the monsters, the big boss are impressive,
On the other hand , in halo 2 playng it alone its the same thing always, blasting people without thinking, you are just shooting around, and beleave me, having two guns doesnt make any diference there, i get bored very easely, it feels like devil may cry 2 without the bosses.
But i strongly recomend you to get used to the metroid controls, it wont take you more than 15 minutes, then you`ll feel totaly comfortable, even more than the halo controls. Metroid is a blast for singleplayer. I can tell you this cause i have played both games.
Of course i respecto your opinion, in the end they are just games, nobody is going to die if we stop playing it, well, may be Microsoft, but who cares.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 20:19
WOW! that was a turn aroudn in attitude all around : )
i feel rediculous writing such long as post but i want to make sure i am not missunderstood (i knwo some spell checking would help that, which is really just me typing way to fast and not carring so much).
As for the typo in my sig i noticed that almost imediatly afterwards and just thought it was to funny to take out. glad someone noticed. And thanks for appreciateing my lack of sanity, i think i have some good points most of the time but i usually fly off the handle and let some stupid things slip through. I'm just glad my ranting still counts as entertaining and not anoying.
I also couldn't agree more about the EA thing (tires lexus, close enough) whcih is a shame because it just proves that as game becoem more popular they will invariably loose alot of their magic.

how come they can make fun of my sig but your icon has been a broken link for as long as i can remeber (yeah a whole like 3 months i know). Anyway I will gladly agree that we disagree about this and sorry if any of that was a cheap shot, to many quatoes goign on to remebr who i'm bad mouthing. As for halo playing liek prime the only reason prime playes the way it does (asides from jabs at nintendos younger audience) is that there are alot of platforming parts in mertoid that would be kind of a pain to do with a standard two stick set up, i for one love the two sticks(1=feet 2=hands) it just makes sense in my head. Plus having the lock on ability in multiplayer would be kind of a leg up i think.

claudioalex : I understand the draw of metroid and i was excited abotu it at first and i am just very put off that they think they know how i should play a game better than i do. Also i know that it may seem sas though halo is just a thoughtless shooter , the best parts about halo are the abilies to only carry two guns and melle peopel and use the grenades and now steal vehicles. They give alot more options andd ways to attack each situation, liek each room is a puzzle that needs to be figured out. you may not notice it playign on normal mode but i assure you if you get through just the first level of halo2 on legendary you would have a better idea of what i mean. And yes the multi player is fantastic!

if anyoen here actulyl plays on live my gammer tag : lupos (duh!). always looking for some new competition.
Joined 26 Jan 2004
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 20:48
Ben Furfie wrote:
Feel the anti-Microsoft geeks in here... you can't get passed them. I'm so sorry but be honest, what did Microsoft ever do to YOU?

Nothing... So shut the f**k up whinging.

if you need it writing more clearly any more than this stupid over the top but bang on the money story does then you need to sign youself up to a special school

and fyi microsoft make my like a missery every day when windows or outlook or office or ie crashes.
Joined 31 Aug 2003
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 01:02
scanman wrote:


fyi microsoft make my like a missery every day when windows or outlook or office or ie crashes.

Maybe I'm being facetious, but that smacks of poor configuration, perhaps you should have a look at your system and setup for user errors.

I myself have been running XP constantly for over a week without the slightest problem. Maybe I've just got a better handle on Microsoft products, or maybe I'm just lucky.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 10:07
Then use Linux. Or buy a Mac.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 10:08
Xeryus wrote:
Maybe I'm being facetious, but that smacks of poor configuration, perhaps you should have a look at your system and setup for user errors.

It's not even Mycrapsoft programs CRASHING that spoils my computing experience. It's when they run properly and do what they are meant to do that they really f**k things up.

Outlook 2003's favoured use of Word as an email editor results in emails that are almost impossible to quote nicely in any other editor but Word... leading to either lock-in (surely Microsoft's intention) or a world full of top-posted email replies.

That's only one of a million ways Microsoft spoils my day, every day I have to use their stinking products.

Most days, I don't.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 10:12
Adam M wrote:
Eg. Games Domain gave Halo 2 10/10 and Metroid Prime 2 8/10. Now I'm sorry, but MP2 is better than 8/10.

The best scores ALWAYS go to the company who makes the best use of threats about how and where they will spend their advertising budgets.
Arse McAdams
Joined 4 Mar 2004
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 12:15
LUPOS wrote:

Can anyone else see the fantastic irony here?
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 12:40
Arse McAdams wrote:
LUPOS wrote:

Can anyone else see the fantastic irony here?

you mean how its ironic that no matter how many times I write that i would like the option to play the game the way i want, dipshits like you feel the need to defend a game i wasn't attacking in the first place? someone complained how prime2 got a much lower score than halo2 on some sites and i offered my explanation as to why that may be. Then some peopel sprang to its deffense like i'm the one giving it a bad score. I have a game cube and i love my nintendo games very much and it just pisses me off that i have been neglected by the company when they designed this game. I could learn to play it how they want, but this is my way of personally protesting their refusal to give me multiple choices in control setups. The absolute most important part of any game is how well the user interacts with it, for me they ruined the experience but not allowing me to play how i want. Maybe you cant get that through your thick head, or maybe my spelling really is bad enough that people just can't understand me. If that's the case, it's a good thing i didn't take up writing as a carrier.

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